Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Week 16 So Far

  Yesterday morning's 5 miler was sore, and a bit tight but not bad though probably the slowest I've ran a 5 miler in a while. Temperature was nice and around 59 degrees, and Rocky was happy to be out.
  We ran 5 miles in 54:00 with an average pace of 10:47 min/mile, definitely slow and easy. I could feel my right hamstring and butt cheek try to tighten up every once and a while, but not bad.
Splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:10
Mile 2 - 10:29 
Mile 3 - 10:51
Mile 4 - 10:50
Mile 5 - 10:39

    Like I said, definitely slow and easy. I did some foam rolling yesterday and some stretching, but wasn't really feeling tight or anything throughout the day.

  This morning was a no excuse morning, I was making damn sure that I was getting up in time for the Lunar Eclipse. And though I still felt sore and sluggish, Rocky and I (most I) enjoyed watching our first Lunar Eclipse from beginning to end. It made things so much easier, like getting spooked by 3 or 4 different skunks 4 different times and the constant wedgie I was dealing with. I am honestly so sick of wearing shorts damn it.
   We started off slow, but truly the whole run itself was a slowish pace, not my usual 10 miler BUT I said I would take this week relatively easy and not push myself into an injury so that is what I am doing. 
  We ran 10 miles in 1:44:56 with an average pace of 10:29 min/mile, elevation gain of 219 feet and a loss of 217 feet.
Splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:07
Mile 2 - 10:47
Mile 3 - 10:36
Mile 4 - 10:24
Mile 5 - 10:06
Mile 6 - 10:22
Mile 7 - 10:16
Mile 8 - 10:36
Mile 9 - 10:24
Mile 10 - 10:17

   So I am feeling pretty good, so that is a good sign.

 One of my friends on RA just ran her first marathon and didn't do well, her goal was around 4 hours and she ended up finishing close to 5 hours so now I am really questioning my goals. She of course has only ran 2 half marathons before she began a Hidgon plan or whatever, and somewhere after mile 13 her throat started acting up severely, and the warm weather didn't help her at all. Hopefully it was a fluke and she'll have a much better 2nd marathon.

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