Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Please Just Be Fatigue!!!

  I felt really accomplished (and exhausted) after the 20 miler Sunday morning, but by the evening after some stretching and stuff I noticed a strange soreness or tightness in my left groin. I recognized it from when I had pulled or slightly injured my right groin back in 2012 when I start training within 5 weeks after giving birth to Dorian and ended up limping through most of my 2nd half marathon 6 months later. I didn't worry a lot, I figured everything was sore down there and a day or so with stretching  would help. It seems to flare up in the evening, but this morning I took Dorian and Rocky out for an easy 4 miler but ended up with only 1 mile due to the pain or soreness.
  I just didn't want to risk pushing it if it just needs some rest and recovery, I am hoping and praying that a few days of no running will do it wonders. But I am seriously scared that the injury is already there, especially when I am constantly chasing Dorian around and never really getting the recovery I need. I've made it this far with my first training and I would just lose my mind if I can run the Monumental Marathon after all my hard work to get this far :'(
  I am going to wait until Thursday or Friday, just keep an eye on things and maybe even ice that area when I can lay down for 15 minutes of so, and just keep praying that this is just from fatigue and a minor irritation that will go away with rest.

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