Sunday, June 1, 2014

Fourteen Miles of Struggle Today

   Let me first say this, I am seriously about to break my promise about not complaining about this summer heat. The heat and humidity was tough, but what made it worse is that I am still worried about our business, and running can make things worse as it leaves me to my own thoughts which were primarily on the business so that sucked.
   I left Rocky at home, I had a feeling it was the best decision for him and I am so glad I did. I struggled so badly, I knew he would have been dying within the first 5-7 miles. I know I was wise enough to leave him at home, ALMOST wish I had stayed home lol.
  It was 68 degrees, 73% humidity and dew point at 68,  no wind whatsoever and lots of mosquitoes during every little stop. Even the Sports Bug spray with 40% DEET didn't work, which most likely helped to keep me moving. I drank all of my 12 oz of water with a Hammer Lemon-Lime Endurolytes Fizz tablet and a Grapefruit Endurolytes Fizz tablet, I also just about drank all of my 1 liter hydration reservoir. Yep, and both my Mandarin Orange gu and my Hammer Chocolate gu as well.
  At mile 6 I was ready to call it quits, but I pushed on knowing I wouldn't be pleased with just 6. At mile 10 I was tempted to quit at that point as well, but it just wasn't good enough and I knew I wouldn't be pleased with just 10 so I pushed on. I am pretty sure I stopped at every mile, taking a moment to breath and curse the weather. At this point my lower quad near my knees were sore, and tight and hurting. But it was so much worse when I would stop or walk, pretty much in short words this run sucked a lot. 
  My body glide really wasn't working after 8 miles, and due to not wearing a shirt the hydration pack rubbed against my skin. I was glad it was over and done with, and glad that I had reach 14 miles today, I think it's been a few weeks since I was last over 13 miles.
  I ran the 14 miles in 2:32:08 with an average pace of 10:52 min/mile, elevation gain of 202 feet and a loss of 212 feet. And to put into more detail of how much this run sucked my splits are all over the place and I finished my run at 8:08 AM and it's taken me 9 hours to get this blog up.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 12:05
Mile 2 - 11:26
Mile 3 - 10:21
Mile 4 - 11:06
Mile 5 - 11:05
Mile 6 - 10:59
Mile 7 - 11:57
Mile 8 - 10:39
Mile 9 - 10:52
Mile 10 - 10:46
Mile 11 - 10:11
Mile 12 - 10:25
Mile 13 - 10:26
Mile 14 - 9:48

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