Monday, June 2, 2014

Now I am Getting Nervous

  My debut marathon training begins on June 23, a new journey deeper into this life of running and I am scared any injuries or soon to be injury that might be lying under the surface.
  First it was back in late March, early April my ankles started acting up so I had to take 4 days off. Then the few days after the Owensboro half marathon a week and 2 days ago, my calves were extremely tight, my quads were really sore and my hams were a bit tight so I took it easy last week with a 7.4 mile easy run on Tuesday, then 2 days of rest because my calves were a bit tight, then a 5 mile run on Friday that was supposed to be 7 but I just didn't have the heart at the time (financial problems) and then pushed my long run to 14 miles which to some might not have been smart. Saturday morning/afternoon I chased my son around for an hour at the riverfront park in Owensboro (Smothers Park), he would run under things where I would have to squat and walk like a duck to keep up with him. It was feeling like a leg strengthening session before a long run, probably not smart either.
  The last 4 miles of yesterday's 14 miler, my lower quads were hurting. They were really sore, just above the knees and towards the inside of the knees (if that makes sense). I pushed on and made it to the 14 miles, by the afternoon I was feeling a very noticeably dull ache when walking (at the point of bending my knee bringing it forward from the ground) so I began icing it as much as possible. This morning I didn't notice the ache too much, though it is more noticeable for a minute or so after icing.... strange. I think it's getting better, or at least recovering but I am seriously wondering if I should take it easy for the next few days.
   My only huge concern is that I begin my marathon training on June 23 without any hiccups, and I am worried that things are already falling apart before it gets really serious.
   I am wondering if I should decrease my mileage over the next week or 2 before marathon training begins, take it easy and just try to recover so I don't burn out during my training. Things were going really great up until April, I was slowing inching my weekly mileage up closer and closer to a mpw of 35-40 and then the ankle issues started, then the half marathon so I've been keeping it closer to a 26-32 mpw range.

     Any advice would be most appreciated.

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