Friday, February 28, 2014

This Morning's 3 Miler

   After some more debating, I've decided that I am not going to do the race tomorrow. I don't honestly think I could survive having to take a few days off to recover if my calves, feet, ankles or shins decided mutiny on me. Instead of running the 13.1 mile race, I plan on a 14 mile long run tomorrow... on the road and hopefully I can run a new route where I can enjoy some new scenery.
   This morning Rocky and I headed out in 18 degrees with a feels like 9 for our 3 miler. I didn't want to do 6 since I am doing my long run tomorrow (Sunday is expecting rain all day). Not a bad run, being 3.2 miles all I can say is we ran it in 33:54 with an average pace of 10:35 min/mile, so nice and easy. Elevation gain of 44 feet and a loss of 50 feet.
Laps/Splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:13
Mile 2 - 10:43
Mile 3 - 10:01
.2      -  9:34


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