Sunday, February 23, 2014

A windy, little chilly 13 Miler

   I got up at 5:20 AM, trying to make sure Dorian would stay asleep and then I had some coffee and a banana while looking at the weather. It said rain or snow showers, but the sky was clear and it was 33 degrees starting out. I wore my capris, under armor long sleeves and a t-shirt, and my cool weather gloves. It was a bit chilly stepping outside, but after about 10-15 minutes of running, warmed up some.
   My legs felt good, but it took me an hour to get back into my long run groove, I stayed relatively close to 10:30 min pace for the first 5 or 6 miles before finally picking it up. I had two gu's in my fuel belt but I didn't use either, I took a total of 9 sips of my grape gatorade during the whole run - 3 sips around mile 7, 3 sips around mile 10 and another 3 sips around mile 11 towards the end. The initial plan last night was 14 miles, but this morning I decided 13 and then around mile 8 or 9 I thought it best to run 12 miles as I just came off of some muscle fatigue and didn't want to push it. I ended up with 13 miles, I had 12.7 when I found myself in front of the house so I figured what the heck - I'll go ahead and run another .3 and get 13 miles in.
   I ran 13 miles in 2:11:04 with an average pace of 10:05 min/mile, elevation gain of 376 feet and a loss of 385 feet. My garmin says 5 mph N winds but near the end it felt more like 10 or 15 mph N winds so most like it was calculating the beginning of the run because as of now winds are at 17 mph N.
Laps/Splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:30
Mile 2 - 10:37
Mile 3 - 10:39
Mile 4 - 10:20 
Mile 5 - 10:26
Mile 6 - 10:00
Mile 7 - 9:48
Mile 8 - 9:45
Mile 9 - 9:43

Mile 10 - 9:45
Mile 11 - 9:57
Mile 12 - 9:59
Mile 13 - 9:32

    I am going to make sure I foam roll and stretch today, just to make sure I am not too sore for tomorrow's easy run.

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