Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Not so Great Run and Issues with my Garmin Pairing

   First off, last night when I tried to sync my workout onto the garmin site... apparently my laptop's wifi thing was off so when I fixed that I realized my ANT + thing was working, so I spent a while trying to fix it with no success. I've been trying to get it onto my office computer with no success, this crap is really ticking me off now. I can not look up the temperature or elevation thing now, only my laps.
   Last night's run sucked, but to start from the beginning of the troubles - Saturday morning I woke up a little sore, my calves were sore for the first 2 or 3 miles of my 7.5 mile run and then a little bit during the 2.5 mile run before the race but it didn't really affect my runs or my race. Sunday, my legs and calves were sore but I expected it so no biggie I thought. Monday, when Rocky and I started out on our run my calves were sore for the first 2 miles or so but the soreness went away eventually. By this point I was trying to foam roll and stretch, I figured the soreness was from the race and the last month of 2 of running on ice, snow, nasty frozen trails... and it would eventually go away. Tuesday, things were feeling better so I didn't really stretch or foam roll and then yesterday I wasn't feeling any soreness all day so I didn't stretch or foam roll at all. 
   Everything seemed to be fine until Rocky and I set out for our 8 miler last night, I didn't make it a mile before pain set into my calves... not painful enough to stop me from running but painful enough to affect my stride and had me stopping to take a moment. The pain was in both calves, and lasted for 3 miles before finally my left calf stopped hurting but by then my left toes was hurting/stinging. Throughout my whole run, my feet hurt and my right calf hurt and near the end the side of my right thigh was starting to hurt. I was in such a rage that if you had handed me a chainsaw I probably would have sawed my lower legs right off.

  Time it took for us to run 8.1 miles was 1:25:57 with an average pace of 10:37 min/mile, most of it very aggravating.
Mile 1 - 10:46
Mile 2 - 10:58
Mile 3 - 11:04
Mile 4 - 11:04
Mile 5 - 10:54
Mile 6 - 10:06
Mile 7 - 10:12
Mile 8 - 9:55
.1      - 9:51

   Debating for a while last night, I decided to take 3 days off along with stretching, foam rolling and taking hot baths with this stuff from Therapy Village for Aches and Pains. Then come Sunday, I will see how things are feeling and try for 6-8 miles unless the pain starts again which then I will probably stop and head back home. Another cutback week :(

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