Monday, February 10, 2014

A slow, still Sore Legs, Icy Roads

   My calves are still sore, and I am really not sure why... hoping it isn't anything serious so I'll just keep an eye on them and focus on stretching, foam rolling and icing as much as possible. The roads had a new, fresh powder of snow over the icy spots (go figure) so I had to be careful but I was just sore. My legs didn't hurt during the run, and the soreness just bothered me but it was an especially slow run and the only reason I can think of is because of the snow and ice, I am so tired of it all. Thankfully, it seems that the forecast is showing that starting this Thursday temperatures will begin to rise into the 40's and then the 50's which I hope isn't just temporary and it will last for a while.... though my real hope is that this cruel winter is finally over.
   Won't go over the morning routine, but Rocky and I got out and ran 6.1 miles in 1:09:30 with an average pace of 11:24 min/mile, elevation gain of 94 feet and a loss of 99 feet. Temperature was 18 degrees with a feels like 5 or 6, it was bad enough that my garmin only showed the temperature, not the feels like and wind. 
   Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:29
Mile 2 - 11:17
Mile 3 - 11:41
Mile 4 - 11:37
Mile 5 - 11:27
Mile 6 - 10:55
.1       - 10:48

    I will be so freaking happy when winter is finally over, though normally warm spring weather brings rain.... but I would rather rain that sleet or snow at this point. I'll most likely have to avoid the trails when it starts warming up and it will most likely take a month or so of dry and warm weather for the trails to actually dry up.

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