Monday, February 3, 2014

A Run that Almost Didn't Happen

   I am definitely feeling yesterday morning's 15 miles, so much so that I won't even begin to name off the excuses I had this morning trying to stay in bed. My legs are sore, especially my quads, hams and glutes as well. The bed felt so comfy, so warm while outside was 25 degrees with a feels like 16 and 8 mph N winds.
   I finally got my butt out of bed at 5:05 AM, got dressed, had some coffee and a banana, then Rocky and I were out the door. Immediately I was wanting to turn around, telling myself I could do this in the afternoon rather than right now and get back in bed. I kept pushing on, told myself 1 mile was better than nothing, which then turned to 3 miles. I kept pushing on, by 3 miles things were feeling a little better, though it was definitely slow going which I am fine with as this was a recovery run and the slower the better was my motto.... at this point.
   We hit 4 miles and I thought to myself, heck if I can at least do 5 miles then I will be happy. By 5 miles I wanted the planned 6 miles, things were feeling a little better but my hams were sore and I was picking up the pace. 
   Rocky and I hit 6 miles in 1:05:42 with an average pace of 10:57 min/mile, 25 degrees with a feels like 16, 8 mph N winds and an elevation gain of 101 feet with a loss of 110 feet. I feel happy just getting out there and getting it done, I swear I will stretch today and tomorrow and foam roll dang it.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:47
Mile 2 - 11:28
Mile 3 - 11:04
Mile 4 - 10:51
Mile 5 - 10:20
Mile 6 - 10:11

     I do hope my body eventually gets used to these 15 mile runs, heck I might have to make Mondays my rest days after long runs and move my next running day to Tuesday....... we'll just have to see how I feel tomorrow.

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