Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Probably my Fastest 10k Yet

  Tonight I finally ran a sub 9 min/mile 10k tempo, it wasn't easy I will be honest. While my stupid Garmin Communicator Plug in is still trying to install, I will just state a few things.
  I started  out just above 10 min/mile pace, I hit 3.1 miles in 28:08 minutes and took a breather. I then hit 5 miles in 45:16 minutes, took a moment to breath as a side stitch was trying to attack me. 
  My plan was to run a 7 mile tempo, but I decided near the end to run a 10k tempo and then a 1 mile cool down jog then a .3 mile walk.
  Overall I ran 6.2 miles in 55:14 with an average pace of 8:55 min/mile, my fastest PR before this was 58:55 with an average pace of 9:29 min/mile so I kicked 3 minutes off. Honestly I probably wouldn't have if I hadn't stopped twice for a minute break to breath and get over a side stitch. Anyways, my splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:08
Mile 2 - 9:00
Mile 3 - 8:20
Mile 4 - 8:49
Mile 5 - 8:58
Mile 6 - 8:26
.2      - 7:51

   Then I tried to jog an easy 1 miler afterwards to cool down, I ran that in 9:30 so it was relatively slower and felt easier than the tempo run (go figure). Then I walked the remaining .3 miles back to my Tahoe and now I am dealing with trying to get my stupid Garmin to pair and connect and transfer to the computer so this is very irritating!
    I wasn't going to do a tempo this week, I wanted to focus on what seems like a new found pace and speed, but I decided after mile 1 to just go for it and experiment and boy am I glad I did. Not only is this my fastest 10k yet, my goal this year was to break under the 9 min/mile barrier for a 10k and I did that tonight. Now that I have checked off......... I wonder when I'll be able to break the 8 min/mile barrier for a 5k (hmm....).

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