Monday, April 22, 2013

An Easy but Fast 5 Miler

  There are days when I wonder how I manage to run 9 min/mile pace or faster and then there are days when I can't seem to slow down. Today was one of those days, probably my fastest 5 miler yet and it really didn't feel like I was making a lot of effort BUT my brain felt like it and I started to get a side stitch around 3.5 miles but it went away after 5 minutes of standing. My legs did not feel tired or sore, I think they could have kept going if given a chance, but my head was feeling it and my stomach was feeling a bit sick.
    Shauna did not run with me today, which is most likely why I was able to run 5 miles in 46:51 with an average pace of 9:22 min/mile. Our time probably would have been closer to 51 minutes had she been with me and it is sad to think that and know it, but I am going to have to find a way to stick to my training but make sure that she runs (she doesn't do too well if someone isn't pushing her, she'll just end up staying inside and watch t.v.).
   My splits were:
Mile 1 - 9:41
Mile 2 - 9:31
Mile 3 - 9:34
Mile 4 - 9:30
Mile 5 - 8:33

   Pretty close and even splits until the last mile, but I decided to go ahead and give myself a little push there. Then I gave myself half a mile to walk and cool down, overall it was a good run and I feel great. The only concern I have is, will I be able to pull off great tempos that will be faster than my what my easy runs are becoming? My easy runs are still a minute slower than my tempos were, at least during the final miles, but with me starting out much faster than I used to, I am a little concerned. I guess we'll just have to find out, maybe I'll just focus on getting my body and mind used to this faster pace where it becomes completely as easy as my old 10-11 min/mile paces were. Once all parts of my body become used to running at this faster pace, I'll get back to focusing hard on my tempo runs during Wednesday nights.

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