Saturday, April 6, 2013

Here in St. Louis

   We got a late start this afternoon, I wanted to leave around 2 so I could get here in time to go to the Expo and get my race packet but we didn't get out of here until 3:30 p.m. Then we made a couple stops, by the time we found the hotel it was 10 minutes til 7 and wasn't even sure where the building for the Expo was. I guess I will head there around 10:00 a.m tomorrow, find a bus stop for the expo while everyone sleeps and my mom watches Dorian.
  It wasn't a bad way up here, we went to T.G.I Friday's and I had the Chicken Florentino Piccati whatever and then walked around the courtyard park thing. It is busy down here, and you can easily see who is here to run the races and who lives here. Tomorrow we're going to go to the zoo, and pretty much relax and then find another place to eat and hopefully get some sleep.

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