Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Good 8 Miler Today

  Today's 8 miler is the first since the week before the Half, 3 weeks ago exactly. It was a good run too, not easy or too easy but not hard either. I felt at the time like I could have gone on for another hour, except for the first 3 miles where I felt sick and I know it was because of the sausages I ate for breakfast (never again). Other than the sick feeling, the run was really good and my knees didn't really start to feel sore until around mile 5-6 and even then it was a good run. I kept it easy and slow, not worrying about pace or speed as is the right way when doing a long run. I ran 8 miles in 1:24:18 with an average pace of 10:32 min/mile, with an elevation gain of 167 feet and a loss of 177 feet.
Mile 1 - 10:21
Mile 2 - 10:40
Mile 3 - 10:45
Mile 4 - 11:09
Mile 5 - 10:44
Mile 6 - 10:31
Mile 7 - 10:30
Mile 8 - 9:37

  It was definitely a good run, one of those runs you just can't help but enjoy and dwell on even after it is over. If I am ever asked why I run, other than the obvious reasons; my main reason is the feeling I get when using my body to take me places and just enjoy the scenery at a slow and steady pace instead of always going fast (in a car). I especially love doing my long runs out here in the country, it feels like I am out there forever, someday I hope to be running 13, 14, 15 + miles out on country roads that just go on forever.
  Yeah, I run for fitness, I run for my sanity and I run to better myself, time and the pure joy of it but I truly enjoy it for the sheer fact that I am using my body to get somewhere rather than relying on some piece of machinery.

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