Thursday, April 4, 2013

Last Night Easy 4.6 Miles

  Other than having to stop 3 times to go to the bathroom (in the woods), the run was good. It was easy and slow, thanks to my sister running with me I didn't feel compelled to run fast like I have been when running by myself. We ran 4.6 miles in 51:21 with an average pace of 11:10 min/mile and literally no hills pretty much. I did decide after last night's run that I would go ahead and take today off as well, focus on strength training today and then get everything ready for the trip tomorrow and just relax (maybe sleep in the van). Saturday we're going to the zoo so there will be some walking but it shouldn't be bad and might be refreshing (I hope). There will definitely be stops and breaks during the zoo trip, letting Dorian see the animals and of course with the crowds of other people I am sure we won't be moving too fast.
Anyways, my splits last night were:
Mile 1 - 11:03
Mile 2 - 11:23
Mile 3 - 11:27
Mile 4 - 11:04
.6 - 10:42
  We kept it slower than Monday, with my bowels wanting to move and Shauna's ankle bugging her. I didn't feel like moving fast either, I want my legs to be as fresh and ready for Sunday as they possibly can be. 
Good news: I weighed myself this morning at 141.4 lbs, my goal 2 weeks ago was to be at 140 by the time I toe the start line this Sunday and it looks like I could very well make it to that. The race might even get me below 140 lbs which would be great. I know not to focus on the lbs, and focus more on inches and how my clothes fit but I just want to get below 140, that has been my goal for a long time and even though I think I reached it before I had gotten pregnant, I can't be sure because that scale was old and crappy. I can fit in size 3/4 jeans and small shirts without feeling bloated (most of the time), so I feel good but I would like to get under 140 AND lose at least another inch off my thighs and trim my stomach just a little more.
  Anyways, I've got good feelings about the race and I can't wait to get my Race Report up here Sunday afternoon/evening!

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