Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Spawn of Satan Keeps me from the Trails

    I want so badly to get back to running on the trails, but those damn horseflies are merciless this time of the year, from June to September they are unbelievable. I love John James Audubon Park, the trails are so challenging and just great but these damn monsters drive me insane! People have given me advice but I just don't know if any of it will work, and I do not want to deal with another episode of running for my life from the tiny little buzzing beast/s.
    Tonight we are running 2.5 miles and Saturday will be 3 miles and the last day of Jumpstart and the beginning of Team 13, I have been feeling strange pains in my chest but I am hoping like hell that it is just side stitch and I should slow my pace the first mile and use it as a warm up. I am so ecstatic, I cannot begin to describe it; I can just feel it in my gut that I will be running the Half Marathon this October! I am no longer feeling any pain or soreness when running, I have even increased my speed to almost a full minute faster and am sub 10 min/mile during training runs - even in this heat!!!!! YMCA's 5k race/training run for the Half is this August and I am so ready for it, the 10k is in September and I have no fear of it!!!!!!! This is such a wonderful feeling; last year I felt hopeless, hell I had my doubts this last Spring but now after looking back on my improvements and all that I have learned - I feel that I am about to cross a milestone (3 to be exact), for almost a year 3 miles has been my wall and I was not able to cross it. Now I know I am going to break through it and move forward..... steadily of course!

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