Tuesday, July 19, 2011

People Think I am Crazy

   What else is new, it is 96 degrees outside but feels like 100 and humid. I am running with Lee and his group tonight at 6 p.m and it will still be above 90, am I really that crazy? I mean hell, if others can do it why can't I? We are doing 3 miles tonight, Team 13 was canceled but I have to get my mileage in for the Half Marathon. I am a little nervous, not just cause I am scared I might pass out while running but that Lee and his group are faster than me. He said a few (including his ex) are around 9:30 a mile or so, but that is my relaxed pace not my slow and easy pace for the heat. I will probably be averaging around 10:30 for the first mile if not slower, I don't want to look slow to them but damn it I hate running alone! Gosh I am nervous, son of a bitch I must be crazy to do this...... I already told him I would be there even though temps will be down in the 80s by 8 p.m but I hate running Chandler at night due to the wild animals and possible crazy people. I guess I must suck it up and run with the group.

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