Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Great Way to Start the Morning

    This morning's run went really well, we ran 3 miles and I finished right around 28:19 so my min/mile was around 9:26min/mile and I feel really good about it. My legs did begin to feel like jello with the last mile but nothing to cause me to slow down or worry about, and with about a half mile left I did start to feel just a tad nauseous but again nothing I feel I should worry about. The upcoming 5k race is in 3 weeks from today and we will be doing 3 miles Tuesday and Thursdays, next Saturday will be 4 miles and the following Saturday (a week before the 5k race) will be 5. I feel confident and ready for it, the week runs I will try and keep my pace around 9:30/mile but only as long as my body can handle it (safely) and on the long runs I will keep it at around 10:00/mile unless my body is capable of doing better. I was a little concerned last this last Tuesday's run as my left knee was hurting but since then there hasn't been any soreness or pain; I have been icing it, using the foam roller and stretching consistently now. 
     I am really longing for Autumn now, the cool temps do help with my running but hopefully this will cause me to do well for my first Half in October. Honestly the only truly annoying thing is that intense headache you feel around the outer part of your skull, I know it is from the heat and the sun but I don't always feel it so I won't worry about it too much.

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