Saturday, July 30, 2011

Our 5 Mile Long Run

   I was definitely a little nervous this time, since I had to make up Thursday's 3 miles yesterday morning. The run did go real well, I cut two minutes off last year's 5 mile run. My knees are a bit sore, but I think if I use the foam roller and keep icing it everything will be fine. I am contemplating running a mile on the trails tomorrow morning, but I don't know if that would be a wise idea. The trails are softer to my feet and joints, and I don't think a mile would really hurt though - but I shouldn't be taking chances right now and adding any extra runs in. 
Next Saturday is the YMCA 5k race, and I am not worried about it at all because 3 miles isn't anything for me now - I just hope my knees aren't trying to warn me of a future injury. I guess I will see how the legs feel tomorrow morning before I go, if anything I might just go and take photographs of the trails so I can look at them and fantasize running them when I can't.

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