Monday, July 25, 2011

A Break in the Weather

   Yesterday was great, it started out at 97 degrees around noon and within 10 minutes a storm brought in a cold front that dropped the temp to 79. It felt so good, Saturday morning I went for the 4 mile run and wore sweat as a layer of skin. Today mother nature shows some mercy and the temperature went from 97 to 83 in less than 30 minutes and then hit 78 in an hour. Even though I had ran my long run yesterday, I couldn't help but give in to the urge to run at Audubon Park. I only did a 1 mile trail and felt so great afterwards, I am so happy that I went ahead and ran. There is just so much satisfaction in running trails that if I could run trails the rest of my life, I would be content with that. I will probably regret it tomorrow as I should stick to my training schedule but I am so happy I went, feels like I have gained an ounce of my sanity back.
      I really want to run the trails some more, but I really feel that I should stick to my training schedule and not add an other runs. Once I finish the Half Marathon in October I will probably do a lot of my runs on the trails during Fall, Winter and Spring.   

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