Saturday, August 30, 2014

Wondering if I need a couple days.......

   I seriously think my body is begging me to take a couple of days off, and I really think that I pushed it too hard Wednesday morning during the 9 miler :(
  This morning I headed out with intentions of running 12 miles, but after much debating I decided that 10 miles would have to do. There isn't like pain but I can definitely feel fatigue and soreness, and my body was not even close to interested in being out there on the road.
  I miss the trails, I miss them so much but with how my feet are dragging right now it would be a very bad idea to go out on for a run on the trails. I've got 2 months and a couple days before the marathon, I wish it was sooner as this training is kind of really sucking right now. But, I've just got to relax and listen to my body, and take it easy for the next few days... maybe even take Monday and Tuesday off.
  This morning I ran 10.1 miles in 1:49:44 with an average pace of 10:53 min/mile, a very slow long run for me. Elevation gain of 167 feet and a loss of 168 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:29
Mile 2 - 10:54
Mile 3 - 10:45
Mile 4 - 10:43
Mile 5 - 10:42
Mile 6 - 10:36
Mile 7 - 12:03
Mile 8 - 11:09
Mile 9 - 10:27
Mile 10 - 9:56
10.1     - 9:37

  Tomorrow will either be a rest day or an easy 5 later in the evening with Dorian, I'll let my body decide.

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