Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Two Days after my First Twenty

  First, I want to say how surprised I was that by ear Sunday evening I was feeling really good for having ran 20 miles that morning. DH says that it just might be a sign that I could possibly have what it takes to run ultra distances - I am hoping he is right.
  Monday I woke up with just a bit of tightness/soreness in my left calf but other than that I felt great. Granted, my hydration pack had rubbed me raw in a spot on the right side of my back, it still freaking hurts. Not sure if I want to go shirtless anymore during long runs with my hydration pack.... ouch. Monday was a no run day for me, but I did do some crunches - again I felt great and that must be a good sign. I focused on using the foam roller on my left calf probably 4 times yesterday.
  This morning, the tightness in my left calf was very minimal and I used the the foam roller before my run and after. It was 75 degrees, dew point of 73 and humidity at 94% - no freaking wind. It was pretty nasty and just blah but I made sure to take it easy for the first 3 miles, no stopping except for when waiting to cross the busy street. The final mile I did push it, just pushing the limits for my legs while not going over board - wanting them to feel the fatigue while also pushing hard. I slowed down and ran easy for .3 miles afterwards. I ran 4.3 miles in 45:03 with an average pace of 10:29 min/mile, slow and easy but with a little more in the last mile.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:27
Mile 2 - 10:51
Mile 3 - 10:56
Mile 4 - 8:52
Mile 4.3 - 9:55
    Overall, I am feeling really good. I did decide that for the final long runs after this last Sunday, I will be consuming either Grape gatorade or Lime gatorade because that is what they will have at the race and I don't feel like carrying a hydration pack or belt - I will carry a couple chocolate outrage gu's though, I am pretty sure they will have the strawberry lime, or berry crap but hey that stuff isn't awful.

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