Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Last Few(?) Days

  Okay, I haven't blooped since I think Wednesday... things seem to be getting better, or at least I am not feeling like total dog crap so I am crossing my fingers that tomorrow morning's 16 miler will be better than last week's fail. 
  Thursday night I took Dorian and Rocky to Wesselman's park to start our run there, I didn't want to do the greenways, didn't want to do too many hills either. My quads were (and still are) a bit sore from Tuesday's 4 miles up and down hills with a stroller and a dog. We ran 1.75 miles up to my grandparents' house and stopped for a 5-10 minute chat before heading back, finishing up a 3.5 mile run in 36:24 with an average pace of 10:24 min/mile and finishing July off with 152 miles, my third month in the fifties this year (and just period). 
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:25
Mile 2 - 10:13
Mile 3 - 10:43
.5       - 10:04
  Temperature was around 80 but not humid and we had shade so it wasn't bad at all.
   Friday morning's run was interesting, it was a really nice 64 degrees and not really humid so Rocky and I hit the trails for a 5 mile run. My quads were still sore but not awful and everything was going really well until about mile 2.3.... and I just about ran face level into this:
 Believe me I was a little unnerved with the damn bastard, which was like large than a quarter (but not poisonous, most orb spiders aren't). His/her web stretched across the entire trail which was 5-6 feet wide at that point. It took me about 3 minutes to settle my nerves and then I blew on it until it took off and up, then I went underneath.
 Things went back to being normal and quiet, and dark. We saw cats, raccoons but I didn't see a single deer (strange). We ended up going counterclockwise on a trail that I normally run clockwise if I run it at all, at one point my foot caught a root or stump but I recovered quickly like usual. Around mile 4.5 I started to daydream, and stopped paying attention to where my feet were landing.... and that is when a small but tall root caught my foot and sent me flying..... luckily my hands caught me before I experienced a face plant. I cursed and rolled to my back and laid there for a second, stopping my garmin (of course) and scared to look at my knees or even move... my biggest fear being that I injure myself enough to screw up my training. I soon sat up and looked for damage, other than a dirt cloud around us and dirt all over me, there was no damage. I sat for a moment longer a little angry at myself for not paying attention, I have been running those trails (in the dark) for over a year now and at least once or twice a week throughout this year so I was pretty pissed that I let my guard down for that.
  Rocky and I finished 5 miles in 55:22 with an average pace of 11:04 min/mile.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:42
Mile 2 - 10:29
Mile 3 - 11:46
Mile 4 - 10:58
Mile 5 - 10:26

    This morning, I decided to take Rocky and Dorian for an easy 1.5 mile run, so that if my 16 miler goes smoothly tomorrow I will have 38 miles for this week, I don't want to increase things to fast so I figure a 15 minute run today wouldn't hurt. Due to the cooler weather, Rocky was able to put in 22 miles of running with me this week along with walks and hikes so we'll have a total of 50 miles of being on our feet for the week.

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