Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Forced Cutback Week

  So even after Wednesday's crappy run on the trails, the rest of the week seemed to be going well. Thursday Dorian and I ran 3 miles, then Friday Rocky and I ran 5 miles bringing the week to 21 miles. I had a 3 miler planned Saturday but due to stomach/bowel issues Friday night and Saturday morning I decided against it (wish I had went).
 Weather forecast was predicting light rain from 3 to 6 AM this morning, then it would turn to heavy rain and then thunderstorms all freaking day. Everything was looking good when I got up at 3:15, it was quiet outside and not even a drop of rain. As I walked past the kitchen window to grab my watch I thought I saw lightning, but hoped I was wrong. I stepped outside and into the driveway and sure enough, there was lightning, and thunder :(
  I stood there for a minute or two debating, go back inside in defeat or attempt some sort of mileage.... I soon started down the driveway. I decided not to even attempt my new route and get too far from the house just in case, and I cursed Mother Nature and called her a few bad names. Around mile 1.36 I knew I had to head home as the lightning was getting more and more often. I chose not to head back the same way though, I was determined to get 3 miles in but when I reached 2 miles and was 1 mile away I decided to head down another road and try to get 4 miles in. At this point I was begging Mother Nature not to kill me, and to hold off on the violent stuff until I made it home. I must be crazy, there was a time I wouldn't have cared but with my little boy depending on me I have to put his needs first.
  I made it home safe and sound, got inside and about 5-10 minutes later I heard it go from some rain to a downpour, like it just dropped from the sky.... yep I was so glad I got home when I did.
  I am not sure whether to be thankful that Mother Nature let me live even after calling her names or to be angry I didn't get my planned and wanted 18 miles in, this week pretty much leaves me with 25 miles unless at some point tonight after 7 I can get at least 5 miles in.... but I am not getting my hopes up :(

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