Friday, August 8, 2014

Where the Hell am I?

  I admit, I've been a bad girl damn it. I haven't blooped since Sunday's 17 miler so I've got to catch up.
  Tuesday I ran 3 miles with Dorian, in 29:02 - it was 84 degrees but thankfully cloudy and only 55% humidity.
  Wednesday I ran 9 miles in 1:29:20 with an average pace of 9:55 min/mile, temperature was 70 degrees, 88% humidity and foggy. Elevation gain of 173 feet and a loss of 178 feet. I saw 4 other runners out there, making a total of 6 or 7 runners since moving out to Chandler, IN.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:44
Mile 2 - 10:30
Mile 3 - 9:59
Mile 4 - 10:09
Mile 5 - 10:01
Mile 6 - 9:53
Mile 7 - 9:44
Mile 8 - 9:30
Mile 9 - 8:50
   An awesome run, not so awesome day.
Now Thursday! Oh Thursday was a very eventful day, let me tell you. The plan was 3 or 4 miles that evening, so we left the shop at 4:45 and got home around 5 so I could change clothes. Then I along with Dorian and Rocky headed to the Evansville riverfront. The skies had been threatening rain all day, but nothing came until 5-10 minutes on the road. By the time we got to the parking lot it was a downpour along with raging winds that I wasn't about to dare take a stroller in so we had to head home. While on the highway talking to my mom on the phone, I notice my Tahoe hinting at some kind of trouble but it stopped so I kept driving and trying to see through the sheets of rain. As soon as I got onto the off ramp to get onto 62 my RPMs dropped dramatically, I could feel things shifting back and forth like it kept trying to get up and going but would give up. Then it would stop, but as soon as I got up to 50 mph it started again and my RPMs dipped below 1,000. I wanted to make it but I was still a good 3 miles from home and at the rate this was going it would take me longer than I could run. So I pulled to the side of the road, as far over as I could because the speed limit is 60 but people go anywhere from 65-80 on here and I was seriously terrified for my son's life and my dog's life (and mine). I was able to reach my mom who said she'd head my way to pick us up, then I reached DH who gave me a tow company's number to call. I probably sat there for 30 minutes before my mom got there, in a downpour with my dog who wasn't seatbelted in and my son (a '98 Tahoe doesn't exactly have the safety features that keep a toddler carseat safe and tight, and I am all about the safety of my son). My mom finally gets and by then it's a real downpour, I raced Rocky to her van first and we're drenched then both mom and I head to the tahoe to get Dorian and the carseat out. We're drenched even more at this point, I eventually get his carseat safely strapped in tight as he is sitting in the front seat waiting patiently (had someone hit us at this point, my son would be dead so I was seriously scared and trying to hurry up on getting him back in his seat strapped in). We sat there for probably 20 more minutes waiting for the tow truck, and by the way during the total of an hour and 10 or 15 minutes we sat there (including the tow truck) not a single officer passed us on either side. During the sheets of rain, nobody was getting over in the left lane as they would pass us, while going 65+ mph and soon a Semi with a trailer came along and as he passed us I noticed the back end of his trailer swinging to the right... had it done that when passing my mom's van it would have hooked us and drug us along :( I was so relieved when it was over. 
  Suffice to say, by the time we got back home I was tired and didn't feel like running at all. 
  This morning was 70 degrees but raining so the 94% humidity didn't feel too bad at all. Rocky and I ran 6 miles in 1:02:10 with an average pace of 10:21 min/mile, elevation gain of 136 feet and a loss of 140 feet.
  Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:44

Mile 2 - 10:34 
Mile 3 - 10:27
Mile 4 - 10:26
Mile 5 - 10:04
Mile 6 - 9:55

   Okay........... I've got 3-4 miles planned tomorrow and then an 18 miler Sunday... wish me luck.

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