Sunday, June 29, 2014

First Week of Marathon Training Done

  So I can definitely see this is going to be one challenging experience, and so will the training be. The first week of training is over, and I only ran once by myself. Dorian soaked himself through around 3:30 AM, thanks to having juice too close to bedtime and he was awake. Around 4:15 AM I knew he wasn't going back to sleep, I had to make a choice.... get up and take him with me or try to run my 12 sometime during the day in the heat.... UGH!
  I got up, got him up and got ready and headed to the riverfront in Evansville to attempt 12 miles with him, I forgot to eat anything. Temperature was 73 degrees, 78% humidity and winds at 10 S mph though it felt even stronger at some point. I felt a bit sick to my stomach... I think I lost 3 lbs throughout this morning by just going to the bathroom, I almost thought I was dealing with some form of heat illness. 
  Around 2 miles I stopped and texted my mom, hoping she could come out around 8 AM to watch him. I knew I just couldn't run 12 miles in this humid, warm crap with a stroller. I mean, I guess I could have but like I said in my Wednesday bloop I just don't feel safe wearing myself out with Dorian in my care. If I take him running with me on Wednesdays, Sundays or even Fridays I have only two places to take him - the Newburgh riverfront or Evansville's riverfront. It's pretty freaking predictable if somebody was to start following me with evil intentions and I just hate the idea of being predictable in cases like this. I am setting my alarm back to 3 AM on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday instead of 4:15. I thought I could get some extra sleep but apparently that risks Dorian waking up and if I have to, I'll set it to 2 AM.
  Anyways, when I made it to mile 4 I thought to heck with it and decided I would try to reach mile 6. The Evansville Pigeon Creek Greenway Passage is only about 6.2 - 6.3 miles so I would have end up running just about the whole thing and the more I thought about it, with the sweat just dripping constantly down my face and checking my water bottle to be getting pretty low... I just couldn't handle the thought of reaching 6 miles and having to turn around and run the whole thing that I just ran for another hour. Mentally, I just didn't have it in me to push myself that hard, especially with my son here.
  So, at 4.5 miles I stopped and took a moment to breath then turned around and headed back the other way. Around mile 6 it was looking like it was going to storm so I was getting nervous, but it calmed down. The wind was a bit much with pushing a stroller but I finished 9 miles in 1:30:10 with an average pace of 10:01 min/mile, elevation gain of 189 feet and a loss of 201 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:40
Mile 2 - 10:23
Mile 3 - 10:02
Mile 4 - 9:59
Mile 5 - 9:55
Mile 6 - 9:54
Mile 7 - 9:51
Mile 8 - 9:55
Mile 9 - 9:29

   At the end of it I was feeling a bit dizzy and shaking, definitely not something I want to feel when my son is with me :(
  By this point my mom had texted me that she would be at my house around 8 so I planned on getting my last 3 miles in making today 12 miles like I had planned.
   By the time she got there I was feeling kind of sick to my stomach, but after about 15 minutes I headed out for the 3 miles knowing that in order to get as much shade I would have to take the hilly 3 mile route. It started off slow, and my quads were sore and crying but eventually things picked up and I managed to only stop once for a breath at .85 miles and then no more stops until the end. 
  I ran 3.2 miles in 30:17 with an average pace of 9:28 min/mile so even though I felt like major crap.... I actually was going pretty fast.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:07
Mile 2 - 9:37
Mile 3 - 8:55
.2      - 8:15

    I think the hills helped some, but I just really hope and pray this doesn't happen too often, I've got 18 more weeks before the marathon and it looks like summer is going to be a hot one.

   Oh, and yesterday morning Dorian and I ran with Jumpstart. The majority of them ran 2.75 but I ended up doing 3 miles just because I was so close to it anyways.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Five Humid Miles with Rocky

  Last night Dorian and I ran with Jumpstart in the rain, which was actually sprinkling by the time we started running. We ran 2.7 in 26:15 with an average pace of 9:42 min/mile, and Dorian enjoyed the little bit of rain just as much as I did. It cooled the temp off from 88 to 72 degrees, but it was still 88% humid.
  This morning was around 70 degrees, 88% humidity and a dew point of 70 but I figured I'd take Rocky and see how he does. He hasn't ran with me in about 2 weeks or so, and I know he misses it. I decided on an easy 5 miler, and trying to keep it above a 10 minute pace. It was pretty easy, and there weren't too many stops thanks to no wind... which made stopping suck even more than usual.
  We ran 5 miles in 52:01 with an average pace of 10:24 min/mile so I was definitely successful in keeping slower than a 10 minute pace.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:09
Mile 2 - 10:17
Mile 3 - 10:10
Mile 4 - 10:18
Mile 5 - 10:05

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

8 Mile Run with Dorian

  So, at some point between midnight and 3:30 AM my son had gotten up out of his bed and crawled into our bed right beside me  without my realizing it. He left his pacifier in his bed though, so I was awoken to his chirping and restlessness around 3:40 AM. Once I figured out where his pacifier was (around 3:55 AM) I thought for sure he would fall back to sleep....... wrong. By 4:40 AM I knew he was going to fall back to sleep and I had to make a decision, wait until the afternoon and run in the heat and sun or get up and take Dorian with me and run.
  I'll say this right now, I don't like running alone with Dorian. A woman with a stroller is a target, and I am on constant guard whenever he is with me (just about all the time) - which means absolutely no relaxation, none whatsoever. I have 3 days out of the week that are my runs, just me time - Wednesday, Friday and Sunday... those runs give me a chance to relax, breath and just have good ole quality personal one on one time with my soul and my thoughts. That doesn't happen when I run with Dorian, even with the group on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday because I am still concerned with traffic and making conscious decisions with Dorian's safety in mind. It just isn't awesome, even when I carry my gun and pepper spray, I still have to be on constant guard and aware of my surroundings.....  on the other note pushing the stroller does make me stronger, as long as nothing bad happens.
  Anyways, so we got up and headed to the Evansville riverfront with a game plan of 7 miles pushing the stroller. I think my longest run with a stroller was 5 miles back in 2012...? I knew this was going to be interesting for sure.
   Temperature was 72 degrees, sunny and 83% humidity..... fun fun. I think around 1.2 miles we stopped at the casino so I could use the bathroom and then another stop at mile 2 to take a sip, then we stopped again at mile 4 for another breather and to take my shirt off and to take a sip. Sadly around 4.2 miles I had to stop again and use the bathroom in the woods off the pathway (thankfully there is a trail that goes back there). Another stop was made at mile 6, then just after the final hill around 6.4 miles, and one more stop right around 7.5 before I pushed on for 8 miles. 
   We (I) ran 8 miles in 1:18:07 with an average pace of 9:46 min/mile, elapsed time was 1:39:18 so 21 minutes of stopping along with the two bathroom breaks. Elevation gain of 170 feet and a loss of 174 feet, that run was tough and I really hope there isn't a whole lot of them.... especially on Sundays. BUT, I got through it and survived, that is all that matters.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:17
Mile 2 - 9:59
Mile 3 - 9:48
Mile 4 - 9:43
Mile 5 - 9:48
Mile 6 - 9:42
Mile 7 - 9:36
Mile 8 - 9:14

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Last Two Days, and a Rescue

  First, yesterday Dorian and I met up with Jumpstart for a 2.75 mile run that turned into 2.8 for me. This one was slightly slower than my last few runs with Jumpstart, even at 73 degrees the 78% humidity and merciless sun beat down. Not to mention everyone else was a bit slower too, we finished 2.8 in 28:17 with an average pace of 10:04 min/miles.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:26
Mile 2 - 10:05
.8       - 9:34
   This morning I didn't want to get up, I had set my alarm for 4 AM and the bed felt so good dang it. But I got up and had my coffee and an english muffin. I took my hydration pack with me this time, even though I didn't think I would really need all that water in the reservoir and then the water with two hammer endurolyte fizz tabs in the 12 oz bottle. I had planned on a 12 mile run.
    The temperature was 72 degrees, dew point around 68 and humidity at 83% with no wind whatsoever. I could already tell it was going to be difficult, but I had no idea what was coming at just before mile 3. 
   I had reached 2.8 miles when I noticed a cat crossing the road and standing at a tree right on the side of the road, she didn't run which was strange so I stopped and then she bolted. That's when I noticed the kitten hiding at the base of the tree in the little weeds and brush, probably around 8 weeks old and recently weened. I wasn't sure if that adult cat was the mother or another cat getting ready to harass or even hurt this one. I soon figured out that it was in fact the mother and she had been in the process of relocating her kittens, sadly this kitten had already become attached to me and I was worried he would try and follow, and that the mother might not come back. Suffice to say, I woke my husband up to wake my stepson up to drive over and pick the kitten up. 
   I decided to try and get a few more miles in, maybe 10 miles if I could but by mile 5 Cameron called angry that he was awoken at 5:30 AM and sitting in the living room awake with Dorian so I headed back and the last mile was my fastest I think in a run longer than 10k, getting 7 miles in. I apologized to him for not coming home with my stepson, he soon got over it and headed back to bed.
   I ran 7 miles in 1:07:21 with an average pace of 9:38 min/mile with an elevation gain of 121 feet and a loss of 122 feet. I was tired at the end, really tired and a little upset that I hadn't been able to get more than 7 miles in.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:54
Mile 2 - 10:14
Mile 3 - 9:58
Mile 4 - 9:57
Mile 5 - 9:49
Mile 6 - 8:30
Mile 7 - 8:01

   And then of course I forgot to turn the watch off so it had this after mile 7
Lap 8 - 9:42 (this was pressing the save/reset/lap button)
Lap 9 - 17:18 (this was one I realized I hadn't pressed stop).

   I was kind of really upset, this would leave me at 26.6 miles for this week and I really wanted 30 miles or more and considered running later around 7 PM. Being home, I decided Dorian and I would go to the store for breakfast and kitten food when I got dressed in my running clothes and decided I would get the 3.4 miles in before going to the store..... it was miserable.
   The sun beat down on me, but I pushed on with the intent to get 3.4 miles in to make the week 30 miles. It was tough, around 1.8 Dorian fell asleep and I turned around and headed back for the Tahoe. Taking breaks and drinking very frequently (every 1/4 - 1/2 of a mile), making the elapsed time 44:14.
  I ran 3.4 miles in 34:07 with an average pace of 10:02 min/mile, elevation gain of 131 feet and a loss of 93 feet. I got 10.4 miles in today, and 30 miles for this week so I am content.... and I am not about to go out and push for any more mileage in this heat dang it.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Yesterday's Run and This Morning's Run

  Dorian and I ran with Jumpstart yesterday, 2.1 miles in 20:45 with an average pace of 9:54 min/mile, temperature was 91 degrees, 41% humidity and no clouds... it sucked somewhat.
  Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:07
Mile 2 - 9:44
.1       - 9:12

  This morning's temperature was 76 degrees with a dew point of 70 and 82% humidity, 5 mph winds - blah!

   Got up at 4 AM, and ate a Cinnamon Raisin English muffin with some coffee this time, hoping I wouldn't feel so faint near the end of this run like I did on Wednesday morning's run. It was miserably stuffy and warm, no wind and it was even worse if I had to stop to take a moment. This whole week didn't have any planned runs, it was an open week that I forgot about between what was supposed to be the June 14 Indian-Celina Challenge race and the beginning of my marathon training so I've just been winging it this week.
   I ran 5.1 miles this morning, in 51:52 with an average pace of 10:10 min/mile and I proudly started off at a slow and easy pace just under 11 min/mile. Elevation gain of 115 feet and a loss of 116 feet, but the humidity was awful I tell you... just awful.
 Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:50
Mile 2 - 10:10
Mile 3 -   9:55
Mile 4 - 10:06
Mile 5 -   9:55
 .1      -   9:27
  Tomorrow morning Jumpstart has a 2.75 mile run planned, and then I am not sure if I will run 11 or 12 miles on Sunday.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I am Slacking on My Blog - The Last 4 Days

   Okay, so I have been slacking. I didn't run Saturday after the Friday night race, I felt it would be smart to have a rest day after that race. BUT, I didn't shower before bed (to exhausted after getting home around 11:30 PM) and got no sleep due to the aggravating clamminess feel on my skin, and I needed a new pillow (mine is too flat now). No biggie because I wasn't running Saturday morning, I did help DH with landscaping that afternoon which left me feeling like I had done a whole leg strengthening workout... not cool. Saturday night............ I could not get rid of this headache, and my sucky pillow made it worse and I think Dorian would wake me up occasionally when I did manage to fall asleep due to gas.
   Sunday morning, I was wore out and sore and just exhausted. I really wanted 12 miles but my body just didn't have the energy for it, so Rocky and I finished the week up with 6 and I tried to be pleased as I should be glad I was able to get that much in but I am hoping this Sunday will be better. We ran 6 miles in 1:07:42 with an average pace of 11:16 min/mile, yeah it was sucky - oh and it was on the trails. We stopped a lot, the elapsed time was 1:22:40 so we stopped for a total of..... 15 minutes, wow... Temperature was 61 degrees, 77% humidity and 0 winds.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:59
Mile 2 - 11:04
Mile 3 - 11:05
Mile 4 - 11:21
Mile 5 - 11:31
Mile 6 - 10:40

   Monday was a rest day or no run day while I did push ups and other ab workouts. Tuesday Dorian and I ran with Jumpstart in the afternoon/evening, there were no clouds and it was 90 degrees with a feels like 95, 52% humidity and 16 mph SW winds.... fun fun when you're running with a stroller :P
   Even with that, I ran 2.5 miles in 24:42 with an average pace of 9:53 min/mile.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:03
Mile 2 - 9:47
.5       - 9:48
  DH and I then took Dorian to the Lloyd pool afterwards and went swimming, Dorian was out like a light before we made it home at 8:30 PM so I put him in his bed. I didn't get to bed until like 10:30 PM but wasn't able to fall asleep until after midnight, then Dorian woke up and wanted in bed with us but around 3:00 AM he was awake and "talking" until 4:30 AM and I seriously thought I was not going to get to run.
   I was tired, but I got up at 4:55 AM and got ready. I honestly didn't know what to expect at this point, I was really hoping for 7 miles but was willing to settle with 3 or 4 if I had to. It was 75 degrees, 83% humidity and 5 mph SSW winds. I was feeling pretty good after mile 1, or as good as one can with no sleep. The final .2 of the run had a 3 minute stop as I suddenly felt a wave of dizziness, I knew I was dehydrated but dang it. 
   Anyways, I ran 7.1 miles in 1:09:02 with an average pace of 9:43 min/mile. Not bad really, I was expecting worse or less than that. Elapsed time was 1:16:14, around 3.3 miles I had to stand at a busy street for about 4 minutes or so before crossing and again at 5.3 miles for 2 or 3 minutes.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:47
Mile 2 - 10:13
Mile 3 - 10:01
Mile 4 - 9:24
Mile 5 - 9:25
Mile 6 - 9:15
Mile 7 - 9:07
.1      - 8:06

    We've got a 2 mile run with Jumpstart tomorrow afternoon and then hopefully 5 or 6 miles Friday morning.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

2014 Howl at the Moon 10k

  This is the second year for Howl at the Moon, but the first year for the 10k as they only had a 5k and 5 miler last year. I chose to run the 10k, and I probably would have ran a 15k if they had it on there. I've been feeling real good lately with my running and my plan, taking these last 2 weeks and next week easy before the marathon training begins. 
  I felt confident that I was of the few that knew these trails well, especially in the dark but it seems it didn't work out that way too well. 
   We started off and I knew very quickly that the runners in the front were most likely running the 5k, at least half of them and the woman. I tried to take a somewhat easy but fast pace, that didn't happen as I got caught up in the midst of speed. The first .1-.2 is through a flat grassy field (I do not excel at running these fast) then .1-.2 on an ATV trail (10 feet wide, not much roots) and it was the muddiest section but I didn't mind. Then we were up on the levee for .2 or so before hitting single track trails with lots of roots but not a lot of space to pass, I run pretty dang well on these trails, especially with roots. I let the people in front of me get some distance as I figured they were doing the 5k, one guy stayed pretty close behind me but didn't act as if he wanted to pass. 
  I hit mile 1 with an 8:46 min/mile pace, then tried to force myself to slow down some as I still had 5 miles or so to go. As we got back up on the levee headed back towards the finish, two ladies passed me (one finished the 5k) and I tried not to worry and told myself they were running the 5k..... wish I had known one of them was running the 10k. I could already tell that my garmin wasn't on track with their calculations, by the time we hit the 5k finish, my garmin said 2.8 rather than 3.1 but I tried not to fuss about it - their chronotrack said I crossed the 5k split at 26:47.
  I soon realized that one of those ladies were still in the race, but her and four guys took advantage of the grassy field... I think they ran cross country in school dang it. On the levee I began to catch up to two guys (wearing those stupid minimalist vibram thingies) who had passed me just before the 5k finish, I didn't try to get past them on the levee because I figured they would pick up the pace and I might slow down, boy was I wrong.
  As soon as they had hit the single track, they slowed down and I was on top of them. I stayed on top of them, figuring they would notice and let me pass... nope, one looked like he kept moving to the side but he was so close to the other guy who wasn't willing to move over so I couldn't pass. I slowly saw the girl in front of me disappear. I lost a minute, possibly 2 minutes being stuck behind them. My garmin hit mile 4 at a 9:54 pace (yeah I was pretty pissed off) so as soon as I saw mud, I knew they were moving to right to avoid it so I raced past them and just kept moving. 
  I tried to catch her, and I was getting close while getting further away from the two guys who killed my chance at first place female. Had the race been more on single track, at least 90% of it, I would have caught up to her. But just as I was 20 feet behind her, we came back out of the trails and onto the levee and she began to put more distance between us. We got back onto the final .5 of the race, some ATV trail and some slightly wider rather than narrow single track and I soon began catching up to her and some other guy, but it wasn't enough.
  She crossed the finish at 53:39 and I crossed at 54:15, just 36 seconds behind her. My garmin said 5.8 but just to make myself feel better I'll go with the race course of 6.2 miles.
  Crystal Evetts finished 1st in females and I finished 2nd out of 9 women in the 10k. I was the only lady in my age group of 20-29, so yeah I got first place there but really I am not proud of it. I placed 15th out of 32 finishers in the 10k, so I guess that's good. The 2 guys that had killed my good pace and chance of catching Crystal finished 55:41 and 57:17.
  Overall, I did enjoy it and if I go by their distance then I PR'd by 24 seconds or so (the 2013 YMCA 10k was 54:39). I got 2nd out of 9 women, and I pushed myself and I learned a lesson - pass people when I have the chance.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Easy Run with Rocky. Light rain

First I want to mention that I am typing on a Nook, a large stupid touchsceen like an it sucks when blogging.
Rocky and I were out the door by 4:09 AM, there was light rain which actually felt good in the temps of 66* and humidity at 94%. I don't think Rocky could really feel it though...... but he did well nonetheless.
Oh.... Dorian and I ran 2.25 miles with Jumpstart yesterday evening, in 22:57 with an average pace of 10:12 min. Temperature at 75* and humidity at 74%, winds of 6 mph.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1: 10:14
Mile 2: 10:14
.25: 9:45

  This morning Rocky and I ran 5.5 miles in 56:56 with an average pace of 10:21 min/mile, and I could've sworn I had slown down near the end, the pace was seemingly easy.

  Mile 1 - 11:05
  Mile 2 - 10:38
  Mile 3 - 10:13
  Mile 4 - 10:08
  Mile 5 - 9:59
  .5.     - 9:48

Sunday, June 8, 2014

  Temperature was 70 degrees, humidity at 84% and dew point at 65 with 15 mph WSW winds. I was up just before 4 AM, got ready, had some coffee and went to the bathroom then I was out the door. Things were going well, although my stomach was empty and I was worried I was going to bonk at some point due to hunger but after 4 miles or so the hunger pains went away. Everything was going pretty good and the strong wind wasn't bad either, and it definitely helped me deal with the humidity.
  The first two miles were around the pace I wanted, but after that things got faster and it wasn't anything I could do about it. Around mile 8, things got suddenly tricky and tough. I think I was beginning to feel heartburn, the area around my heart suddenly felt heavier and uncomfortable when running. It would go away after stopping, but immediately start up again when I would begin running again. It was difficult, and from mile 8 and to finish I had to stoop every half mile or so due to the discomfort in my chest.
  I ran 11.3 miles in 1:49:35 with an average pace of 9:42 min/mile BUT elapsed time was 2:14:21, so I stopped the garmin for a total of 25 minutes. Elevation gain of 176 feet and a loss of 180 feet, other than the elapsed time and the discomfort.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:08
Mile 2 - 10:50
Mile 3 - 10:24
Mile 4 - 10:00
Mile 5 - 9:56
Mile 6 - 9:47
Mile 7 - 9:17
Mile 8 - 9:00
Mile 9 - 8:58
Mile 10 - 9:06
Mile 11 - 8:39
.3        - 8:18

   I took a really cold bath again, or at least soaked my legs in it for 15  minutes. I am feeling pretty good so that is good, and other than the heartburn or whatever, I am just glad I wasn't feeling any pain during the run. Tomorrow is a rest day, and I am going to stick to the plan.

Friday, June 6, 2014

A Not So Bad 6 Miler with Rocky

  This morning was 63 degrees with 94% humidity, but with it so close to the 50's it really wasn't that bad. I decided to take Rocky since he hasn't ran since last Friday, and he did pretty good, not panting real hard.
  I didn't have any aches before mile 3, surprisingly the aches that did kind of come on after mile 3 weren't bad and were off and on really. 
  We ran 6 miles in 1:04:15 with an average pace of 10:42 min/mile, elevation gain of 178 feet and a loss of 183 feet. I tried to keep it slow, and it felt slow to be quite honest so I was pleasantly surprised to see the splits. 
 Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:03
Mile 2 - 10:43
Mile 3 - 10:43
Mile 4 - 10:55
Mile 5 - 10:31
Mile 6 - 10:18

   Afterwards, I soaked my legs in really cold water and it definitely seems to help. I'm feeling pretty good which is definitely good news, tomorrow I plan on meeting Jumpstart for their 2.5 mile run and I most likely will take Dorian with me.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

A Short Run with JumpStart and a Plan

  I decided to run with Jumpstart tonight, it was only 1.5 miles and I took Dorian with me. Ran the 1.5 miles in 15:29 with an average pace of 10:20 min/mile, though it felt pretty easy to me even with a stroller. Temperature was 73 degrees, humidity 65% and wind of 6 mph E so not bad at all.
  Strangely enough, nothing was aching or sore... so we will have to see how tomorrow morning's 5-6 miler goes.

   Okay... so the plan for my training is this, or at least I will attempt it.
Monday's are going to be my rest days, and I am going to attempt to run 6 days a week. Tuesday, Thursday and possibly Saturday I will run with Jumpstart/Team 13 pushing Dorian and making those my very easy days. Friday will be just another easy day I think.... 
  Here it is roughly:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 3-4 miles easy
Wednesday: 8-9 miles mid-long run
Thursday: 3-4 miles easy
Friday: 5 miles
Saturday: 3-7 miles mid-long run
Sunday: Long Run

   Hopefully I'll know soon after starting this plan whether or not it is going to work.

    My training plan on is:

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Sore, Humid but not Awful

  I have to admit I was a little nervous going out this morning, the first 2 miles sucked a bunch. My knee was hurting but it did have a dull ache, and my ankle or the lower part of my calf was feeling really tight and painful. To top that off, it was 72 degrees, 100% humidity and dew point around 70 so it was freaking awful........... and no wind.
  I left Rocky home this time, I knew he would die if I took him out on this run. For the first 2 I stopped every 1/4 of a mile to breath and take a moment, then I would stop every half mile to .75 miles during the other 2 miles and then I pushed it to the last mile.
  I was glistening with sweat, just drenched in it. I was so shiny under the street lights lol. Things were going good when I looked at my garmin at 3.25 and then suddenly I hear barking a stupid terrier yorkie thing running towards me, stopping short of the edge of his yard. Instinctively I sprayed the pepper spray but my hand was just near my hip, and I couldn't sworn I inhaled some of the crap.... I hadn't even stopped the garmin, but didn't notice so when I started running again I stopped it. I ran probably .15 before realizing my annoying mistake and started it back up again and ran back about .05 - .10 to make sure I got most of it. I was really aggravated dang it!
  The garmin says 5 miles in 51:13 but I assume 5.1 miles and put an extra minute on there so I say I ran 5.1 miles in 52:13 with an average pace of 10:13 min/mile or something like that.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:46
Mile 2 - 10:35
Mile 3 - 10:08
Mile 4 - 9:57
Mile 5 - 9:44
   I really, really wanted to go slower but it felt better on my legs when I was under a 10:30 min/mile pace so I just went with how my legs felt but made sure I didn't go too fast.
  After getting back to the house, I started a bath of cold water, I am not ready for an ice bath. I then drank some coffee, made me a protein shake and logged my run. Then I inched into the tub to let my legs soak and man was it freaking cold! But I think it did me some good, and I will probably have another one tonight.
  My plan is to take it relatively easy these next 2 weeks, log 25-27 miles this week, then around 30 miles next week. I'm just going to take it easy before my marathon training begins.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Now I am Getting Nervous

  My debut marathon training begins on June 23, a new journey deeper into this life of running and I am scared any injuries or soon to be injury that might be lying under the surface.
  First it was back in late March, early April my ankles started acting up so I had to take 4 days off. Then the few days after the Owensboro half marathon a week and 2 days ago, my calves were extremely tight, my quads were really sore and my hams were a bit tight so I took it easy last week with a 7.4 mile easy run on Tuesday, then 2 days of rest because my calves were a bit tight, then a 5 mile run on Friday that was supposed to be 7 but I just didn't have the heart at the time (financial problems) and then pushed my long run to 14 miles which to some might not have been smart. Saturday morning/afternoon I chased my son around for an hour at the riverfront park in Owensboro (Smothers Park), he would run under things where I would have to squat and walk like a duck to keep up with him. It was feeling like a leg strengthening session before a long run, probably not smart either.
  The last 4 miles of yesterday's 14 miler, my lower quads were hurting. They were really sore, just above the knees and towards the inside of the knees (if that makes sense). I pushed on and made it to the 14 miles, by the afternoon I was feeling a very noticeably dull ache when walking (at the point of bending my knee bringing it forward from the ground) so I began icing it as much as possible. This morning I didn't notice the ache too much, though it is more noticeable for a minute or so after icing.... strange. I think it's getting better, or at least recovering but I am seriously wondering if I should take it easy for the next few days.
   My only huge concern is that I begin my marathon training on June 23 without any hiccups, and I am worried that things are already falling apart before it gets really serious.
   I am wondering if I should decrease my mileage over the next week or 2 before marathon training begins, take it easy and just try to recover so I don't burn out during my training. Things were going really great up until April, I was slowing inching my weekly mileage up closer and closer to a mpw of 35-40 and then the ankle issues started, then the half marathon so I've been keeping it closer to a 26-32 mpw range.

     Any advice would be most appreciated.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Fourteen Miles of Struggle Today

   Let me first say this, I am seriously about to break my promise about not complaining about this summer heat. The heat and humidity was tough, but what made it worse is that I am still worried about our business, and running can make things worse as it leaves me to my own thoughts which were primarily on the business so that sucked.
   I left Rocky at home, I had a feeling it was the best decision for him and I am so glad I did. I struggled so badly, I knew he would have been dying within the first 5-7 miles. I know I was wise enough to leave him at home, ALMOST wish I had stayed home lol.
  It was 68 degrees, 73% humidity and dew point at 68,  no wind whatsoever and lots of mosquitoes during every little stop. Even the Sports Bug spray with 40% DEET didn't work, which most likely helped to keep me moving. I drank all of my 12 oz of water with a Hammer Lemon-Lime Endurolytes Fizz tablet and a Grapefruit Endurolytes Fizz tablet, I also just about drank all of my 1 liter hydration reservoir. Yep, and both my Mandarin Orange gu and my Hammer Chocolate gu as well.
  At mile 6 I was ready to call it quits, but I pushed on knowing I wouldn't be pleased with just 6. At mile 10 I was tempted to quit at that point as well, but it just wasn't good enough and I knew I wouldn't be pleased with just 10 so I pushed on. I am pretty sure I stopped at every mile, taking a moment to breath and curse the weather. At this point my lower quad near my knees were sore, and tight and hurting. But it was so much worse when I would stop or walk, pretty much in short words this run sucked a lot. 
  My body glide really wasn't working after 8 miles, and due to not wearing a shirt the hydration pack rubbed against my skin. I was glad it was over and done with, and glad that I had reach 14 miles today, I think it's been a few weeks since I was last over 13 miles.
  I ran the 14 miles in 2:32:08 with an average pace of 10:52 min/mile, elevation gain of 202 feet and a loss of 212 feet. And to put into more detail of how much this run sucked my splits are all over the place and I finished my run at 8:08 AM and it's taken me 9 hours to get this blog up.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 12:05
Mile 2 - 11:26
Mile 3 - 10:21
Mile 4 - 11:06
Mile 5 - 11:05
Mile 6 - 10:59
Mile 7 - 11:57
Mile 8 - 10:39
Mile 9 - 10:52
Mile 10 - 10:46
Mile 11 - 10:11
Mile 12 - 10:25
Mile 13 - 10:26
Mile 14 - 9:48