Thursday, November 15, 2012

Yesterday's Run

  I ran 4.3 miles yesterday, it wasn't as magical as last week's runs were but it wasn't bad either. My left knee had some soreness but not exactly, for some reason Runner's World blog tool won't allow me to post my blogs right now so god only knows when that is going to get fixed. Molly is feeling better so that is good, I think this cold weather is doing her much better than the warm weather did so I am really glad I didn't take her in Monday to be put to sleep. I know her time is coming soon, but she just isn't ready yet.
  I finished the 4.3 miles in 42:33 and my splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:06

Mile 2 - 10:11
Mile 3 - 10:00
Mile 4 - 9:31
.3 - 9:00
  So my Average pace was 9:53 and I feel good about it, though I am still debating about increasing Saturday's run to 5 miles... I think I might leave it at 4 or 4.5 and increase Sunday's run to 5 miles.

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