Sunday, November 4, 2012

An AMAZING 4 Mile Long Run

  I didn't get out at 6 this morning, Dorian didn't sleep too great in his new crib, the furnace kept going out and the temperature would drop to 65 degrees in the house so I  had to bring Dorian in bed with me. I didn't think I would get to run until later today, but Dorian fell asleep around 8 a.m and I put him in his bed and got ready to run. The run was amazing, I haven't felt that good during a run in a long time. I kept it under 11 minutes the whole time, I ran 4 miles in 40 minutes and 20 seconds. My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:35
Mile 2 - 10:46
Mile 3 - 10:08
Mile 4 - 8:49
  I felt great, the last mile was my fastest ever and it is awesome! The first half of that mile was 9:04 and the last half mile was 8:40 and it wasn't easy but I felt great afterwards. The cold air made it a bit tough when inhaling while going faster, I'd have to say I prefer running fast in warmer weather. I am just so proud of this run, it was great and I hope I have more like it especially as I pick up in miles. It would be great to have an average pace of 10:04 a mile for 10 miles.

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