Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A run with Dorian

     Lord, pushing a 42 lb stroller with a 17 lb angel and a 10 - 15 lb carseat for 3.3 miles with hills is really hard. Yesterday was hard period but thankfully I didn't have to make a difficult decision with Molly. We really thought we were going to have to take her in and have her put to sleep, her health had suddenly declined so rapidly from Friday evening to Sunday that I decided to make the appointment at 5 p.m yesterday. Monday morning she seemed somewhat better, even Sunday night there were signs of improvement but I was determined to not change my mind until I came home Monday afternoon and looked into her eyes, she isn't ready to go. I am beginning to seriously wonder if the weather affects her, this past summer was extremely tough on her and for the past month our temps have gone up and down. Friday it reached 65 and then Saturday was 72, her health was at the worse but Sunday evening a cold front came in and it seems as the temps are dropping below 45 degrees her health and energy is increasing. Her appetite is somewhat back but still picky and she isn't collapsing anymore but walking around, and that persistent, stubborn Husky look is back in her eyes thank god. I know it is still inevitable, most likely she won't make it past this year but she isn't ready yet.
    I feel stupid now for making a thread on the BF at Runners World, hopefully it will die down quickly. 
   My pace yesterday wasn't as fast as last week, but I was pushing a really heavy stroller so I am not ashamed, my splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:27
Mile 2 - 11:34
Mile 3 - 10:33
.3 - 10:14

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