Friday, November 9, 2012

Last night's run

   Last night's run wasn't bad, but not nearly as awesome as my last two runs. I started off a little too comfortable at 9:57 pace and slowed down a bit by the 2nd mile. My average pace was still under 10 minutes, I ran 4 miles for 39 minutes and 8 seconds which is still my best run for 4 miles. I think what I am going to do as I increase is increase one run a week like last weekend I increased my long run to 4 miles, then ran my Tuesday run at 3, and then increased my Thursday run to 4, this weekend I will run my long run at 4 miles.
   Next week:
Monday - 4 miles
Wednesday - 4 miles
Friday - 4 miles
Sunday - 5 miles
Tuesday - 4 miles
Thursday - 4 miles
Saturday 5 miles
Monday - 4 miles
Wednesday - 5 miles
Friday - 5 miles
   So on and so forth, one week I'll run 3 days and the next week I'll run 4 days, pretty much every other day if possible.
My splits last night were:
Mile 1 - 9:58
Mile 2 - 10:24
Mile 3 - 9:47
Mile 4 - 8:59
  So I still did good, better than just a couple weeks ago although my leg was starting to try and tighten up on me early one, nothing to worry about and I stretched afterwards. Once I get up to 10-15 miles per week I will add in one extra run, probably a recovery run the day after my long run, maxing maybe 2 miles depending on how I feel, 2 miles if my weekly is 10 and 3 miles if my weekly is 15 miles. I know I am trying to put it on paper but I got it all up in my head and will just take it day by day. I would like to have my longs runs reaching 13.1 miles every 3 weeks or so, I just want my long runs average between 8 and 13.1 miles. Not sure why, but I do know that I want to run the Indy Monumental Marathon next November on 11/02/2013 as a celebration of my 26th birthday (next year). Anyways, that is still a year away so I am just going to take things easy and not fret over anything.

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