Friday, November 16, 2012

Tonight's 5 Mile Run

   I went ahead and ran 5 miles this afternoon, after the 3rd mile my left knee was feeling kind of sore but it wasn't affecting my run so I kept going and it subsided. The run was pretty darn good, I ran an average pace of 10:20, my time was 51:43. My splits were:
   Mile 1 - 10:56
   Mile 2 - 10:38
   Mile 3 - 10:22
   Mile 4 - 10:08
   Mile 5 - 09:36

  I am still debating whether I want to train for the Indy Monumental Marathon for my birthday, I almost thought about Chicago's Marathon but I hate Illinois and the fact that Obama came from Illinois, and New York is a bit too far from us. I am pretty sure it will end up being Indy's since it is November 2, 2013 which will be the day before my 26 birthday. Eh, I've got quite a few months before I need to make my decision. Next April I signed up for the St. Louis Half Marathon (April 05, 2013) and I thought I was going to run the Southern Indiana Classic Half but that is the very next day after the on in St. Louis. Then there is the Spartan Sprint on April 26 so I will be getting 2 finisher's medal in April (Yay!).

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