Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Another AMAZING run!!!

  Two AWESOME runs in a row man! My sister wasn't able to make it the run, but that might have been a good thing, tonight's run was 3 miles and probably my fastest run so far: 28:15 minutes so the average pace of 9:25 but my splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:12
Mile 2 - 9:06
Mile 3 - 8:56
   I felt great the whole time, I didn't even feel the need to slow down at the beginning but near the end I was starting to feel like I was going to puke but I kept pushing along. It was sprinkling but I didn't are, I was wearing my little head band, my tights and I felt great. My goal this winter was to increase my speed to a sub 9 minute pace at least for 5k's and after tonight I can honestly see that happening. I weigh right at 141 lbs and I feel faster than I did last year, but that crappy scale last year was about 7 lbs off so when it was saying 134-135 I quite possibly could have been at 141-142 lbs. Heck I might be able to break an 8:30 pace for 5k's if I was able to push myself hard enough, but I will try not to bite off more than I can chew (yet). I am just so excited!!!!

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