Thursday, August 23, 2012


   Shauna didn't run with me AGAIN, there's some issues going on her marriage so I am not going to bug her right now. When my run started, I was a bit doubtful and wondered if I would even make 3 miles tonight as I felt kind of sluggish and my leg hurt a bit. I just told myself to make it to 1 mile, then I aimed for 2 miles, then when I hit 2.6 I turned around headed back. I told myself to just aim for 4 if I could, and see how I felt. I was doing pretty okay but the humidity was a bit much compared to the last couple of days. I hit the 4th mile and just said what the heck and sped up, it was a bit downhill so that probably helped, but I looked at my watch and saw that I was at 4.2 miles but what surprised me was that I was running a 9:14 pace! I told myself to keep it up to 4.5, then I figured I would at least aim for 4.7 because I was feeling a bit sick an out of breath but I passe 4.7, then 4.8 and then I saw 4.9 and was still under 9:20! My splits were as:
   Mile 1 - 11:37 / Mile 2 - 11:10 / Mile 3 - 11:15 / Mile 4 - 10: 54 / Mile 5 - 9:14!!!
   That is the best mile I've ever done! And what is more amazing is that I had already ran 4 miles before that one which was unbelievable, I am still excited about it.
   Other than that, I am still a bit nervous about this weekend's 8 mile run, something tells me Shauna won't be running it with me either. I am going to have to remind myself to stay at a slow and steady pace for 90% of it. Anyways, Dorian is being a butt hole so I must finish my blog.

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