Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Great 7 Miles Tonigh

  Shauna and I ran our 7 miles tonight, it went pretty well overall. We averaged an 11:23 mpm pace and finished at 1:20:33 which was about 9 minutes slower than last year's 7 mile long run, but that is alright with me. Our pace was :
  Mile 1 - 11:33 / Mile 2 - 11:24 / Mile 3 - 11:21 / Mile 4 - 11:37 / Mile 5 - 11:44 / Mile 6 - 11:41 / Mile 7 - 11:13 so pretty good overall.
  My knees did start to hurt around the 5th-6th miles and then my right leg started getting tight, it was getting difficult but I kept going and ignored it. I probably won't walk tomorrow evening, I was thinking about doing 3 miles but maybe I should give my legs a rest, then Shauna and I can run 4 miles Tuesday night. We've got to run 8 miles next weekend, hopefully my knees won't hurt so much, I'm really enjoying my runs with Shauna, just me an her out there. I remember really enjoying the group runs last year and the year before, but now I am quite alright with just me and her.
   The Half Marathon is getting closer and closer, and I am getting excited. I really want to do trail races, I keep thinking about it and I'd love to run those ultras that can take days to finish. Run/walking for hours, resting for a few hours and just going on. I like Half Marathons, and would like to do at least 2 a year but I really want to do ultras, trails and races like the Spartan Race, Warrior Dash and Tough Mudder.

Continued (08-20-12)
  I weighed myself this morning just out of curiosity, I purchased that scale 1 week go and weighed myself at 152 lbs... this morning I weighed myself at 150 lbs so the 7 miles helped. Hopefully as long as my legs don't act up and recover from each run, with the 2 5 mile runs during the week and then the 8, 9, 10, and 12 mile runs coming up I will begin to shed a lb to 2 lbs each week. I have 7 more weeks until the Half Marathon, if I can lose between 1 lb and 2 lbs a week I should be able to lose around 8 lbs between now and the Half Marathon and that will have me at 142 lbs which I can deal with although I really wanted to be closer to my pre pregnancy weight by the time I ran the Half. I won't sweat it much though, come to think about it now, I've lost 2 lbs or so in just a week so hopefully it will keep up that progress for 7 more weeks which would leave me at 14 lbs less than I am today when I run the Half which would be really awesome! Anyways, I won't sweat it, I will worry more on my joints and legs recovering after every run. I might go for a walk today, not sure yet but I really want to at least walk 2 miles.

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