Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Good 6 Miles Last Night

  Last night Shauna was able to run with me, and I feel we made up for last weekend... her not being able to run (broken glass in her foot) and my being one mile short of goal. We ran 6 miles, and it felt good, we were in the dark 90% of it and I had my new knuckle light thing but it wasn't really working, it kept going off. Cameron thinks the switch is bad and told me I should send it back. Two came in the package and the other one seems to be working alright, but I don't know.... I think I might send it back and just get a small headlamp for a good price though will feel weird. I am going to either call or email the place I purchased them from, letting them know what is going on.
   We're actually still doing better than Team 13, right now their weekly runs are still at 4 miles and won't increase to 5 until after next Saturday's 15k race (another race YAY!!!) then they will run their weekly runs at 5 miles while Shauna and I will be doing ours at 6 miles until the week before the Half (maybe even two weeks before the Half) where we will taper and run 3 miles Tuesday and Thursday night, and our last long run before the Half will be about 8 miles... maybe 9 I haven't decided yet. This weekend we have to run 9 miles, hopefully the weather will be nicer, I definitely won't be running between 9 a.m and 5 p.m least not until it really starts cooling off. This weekend is going to be raining which isn't bad at all, Saturday shows a high of 82 with just rain, while Sunday shows a high of 79 but with thunderstorms so we will have to see here in the next couple of days.
    This stupid West Nile virus is annoying me like crazy, somethings I just don't understand why on earth they were allowed to live. On a better note Dorian and I went for a walk this morning, he slept like a baby the whole time so I am wondering if he just doesn't care for evening walks, maybe it's too warm, too humid, too dark, or maybe he'd just rather be at home sleeping or cuddling with me, maybe it is the greenway my mom and I walk on that he hates. Every time he and I go for a walk on the Newburgh Rivertown Trail, he is fine and pretty much sleeps for the whole 3 miles where if I try to take him for a walk in the evening in Evansville he can't even make 1.5 miles before he is crying and screaming and extremely upset........strange.

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