Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Runs are Definitely Getting Better

   I've noticed an improvement in my runs, even as the mileage picks up. Last night's run was supposed to be 4 miles but Shauna and I went ahead and ran 5 miles, and it felt pretty good. We've been doing our two weekly runs at 4 miles for about 4 weeks now and this weekend we run 7 miles so I don't see much of an issue if we go ahead and increase it to 5 miles or at least one of our weekly runs. Team 13 doesn't increase their weekly runs to 5 miles until after the 15k race September 8, and I am feeling pretty good. Our pace was:
    Mile 1 - 11:52 / Mile 2 - 11:25 / Mile 3 - 11:18 / Mile 4 - 11:10 / Mile 5 - 10:49.

   So we averaged about an 11:19 mpm pace which isn't bad at all. I am really enjoying my runs with my sister, she keeps me from going to slow but I keep her from going to fast so we level out at a good pace. Again I felt I probably could have ran a couple miles further, but I don't want to push it. I feel really good about this training, and I am excited about the Half Marathon, I know I won't hit last year's time but I am quite alright with that as I just want to run it and finish it and to have the medal knowing that not only did I run my first Half Marathon when I was 13 weeks pregnant but I ran my second Half Marathon 6 months after giving birth to my sweet little blessing. I am excited to be setting an example for him, growing up watching his mom run races and living a healthy, active lifestyle even though Daddy isn't quite as active but that is understandable as he is much older than me and has had a very active life himself and is now running a business while enjoying Dorian's early life which he didn't get to do with his first 3 children.
   I've got 52 days until the Half Marathon, and I am so excited I can barely contain myself right now. Shauna and I are also going to do the Spartan race next year, I think it will probably be the same month as last year (April) and we'll do the Spartan Sprint: which again I just cannot wait for this one either as it is going to be on trails and I love running on trails more than anything, especially in winter.
   Okay, I am done blogging for the day.

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