Sunday, August 12, 2012

Our Six mile Run

   I didn't get out yesterday morning to do my 6 mile run, and was a little disappointed at first because it would have been in the high 50's to low 60's if I had ran and I really wanted to feel that temperature. I am very glad I didn't go, my sister was able to run later that evening and we did our 6 miles together, granted I winged it on the route choosing but sometimes it is fun when you don't exactly have a plan and just go as the GPS on your Garmin tells you. Our pace averaged just under 12 minutes, our splits were:
Mile 1 - 12:03 / Mile 2 - 11:23 / Mile 3 - 12:16 / Mile 4 - 12:21 / Mile 5 - 12:09 / Mile 6 - 11:45
   I felt I could have gone another couple miles at 11:58 mpm pace but I am going to stick to my training plan for now and not risk injury just because I was feeling pretty good and the weather was great (71 degrees). After Half Marathon my plan is to average my weekly runs to 5 miles (2 times a week), with a fast 1 mile run for a speed workout and the weekend long runs to be between 8-10 miles hopefully averaging 15-20 miles a week.

  I am excited, things are going well with training. Dorian is a gift, blessing and a dream I never imagined coming true. He's already so strong, so aware of his surroundings, and too smart for his own good lol. Everyone who meets him can't believe how happy his is, and everything else. Cameron and I know exactly why,  not because we just got lucky with a well behaved child but because his parents love him, love each other and he lives in a stable, secure house unlike so many other children whose parents are constantly arguing and fighting or ignoring the child, and again everyone tells us we're obsessed, that we're spoiling him..... so what if we're obsessed with our child... we're supposed to be! And if loving him, socializing him, interacting with him, and working on his developmental milestones is spoiling him then that is quite alright with us. He's my contribution to this world, a clean slate that needs influencing, teaching and good (and bad) experiences with a good head on his shoulders, and the only way for that is to build a strong bond with him from the beginning. I know he is going to go through changes, especially when puberty starts and it will be tough but hopefully with a strong bond, setting a good example for him, teach him morals, value and the difference between right and wrong (and WHY), it won't be too difficult. So many people I know are just counting the days when their child/dren will be out the door and out of their hair... why??? It's an amazing experience, a whole new chapter just waiting to be written,    I just don't understand their way of thinking but I sure won't think that.
   I plan to set a great example for Dorian, healthy lifestyle, an honest living, quality over quantity and definitely living over materialistic crap. Hopefully he'll grow up learning and watching me closely, and grow a strong interest in running, or anything athletic really (but definitely running). Okay, I'm done. :)

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