Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Last Night's 3 Mile Run with Team 13

  I was too wore out to blog last night, our heat wave finally ended Monday but it was 95 at 6 p.m when we ran, I didn't know that and probably wouldn't have gone if I did lol. Shauna and I kept it around 12 minutes per mile, last year that would have been a slow jog for me, but it sure felt like heck now. I mainly figure it was because the heat and me not adapting to the heat, AND instead of running this weekend I did my squats, lunges and squats with a kettlebell press, more than my usual and my legs are just now beginning to recover from that so last night's run had my legs feeling pretty heavy. I am glad the heat wave is over, but I kind of miss running in the mornings, but right now Dorian is waking up at 6:30 a.m and I just don't have the energy to get up at 4 a.m after going to bed at midnight or later so as long as temps are below 95 and the humidity is lower than 40% I am going to run with Team 13 in the evenings. Saturday morning's runs might be a different story, who knows yet. We're going to be doing 3 miles Thursday, Saturday, next Tuesday and next Thursday then up our long run to 4 miles and so on. Eighty-seven days until the Half Marathon, I really hope the temps start cooling off, or at least more cloud coverage lol.

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