Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Four Miles Tuesday Night

  Last night I ran 4 miles, at least I hope so or I am pretty sure I did. My garmin's GPS was turned off and I didn't know it until .7 miles into the run so it started there, I hit the 2 mile mark and turned back so I am pretty positive I ran 4 miles. I won't really know my pace per mile though but that is alright with me, I am not going to worry about it. It was pretty hot and humid, almost more than I like and what is even more annoying is that all this week is going to be like that. Note to self: Do NOT include more than one hill during long runs. At least not until after the Half and I've been running 8-10 miles consecutively. I am not sure if I want to run 4 miles Thursday night, or 3.75 miles instead, this coming weekend I am supposed to run 5 miles so I am not sure. Team 13's calendar shows that we keep running 3 miles during the week until after the 5k race which is next Saturday and after that our weekly runs will move up to 4 miles. After the 15k race on September 8th our weekly runs will be 5 miles all the way up to the Half Marathon.
   I am debating on whether running 4 miles or 3.75 miles Thursday, I don't want to do 3 because the 2 mile difference bugs me. I guess I have over 24 hours to think about it, maybe I'll just go on how my legs feel during the run.

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