Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Midnight Run

   Team 13's Tuesday night training run was canceled yesterday due to heat advisory, I was hoping to get my run in around 9 p.m but Dorian was being difficult and Cameron was being even more difficult and didn't want to hold on to a cranky little boy. So I rocked him for an hour, and even when he was sleeping I waited until Cameron finally came in to take him. It was 20 til midnight when I got out and ran, it was great to get out there but I do not like the idea of running after 10 p.m and definitely not on country roads with no sidewalks. I was running on the side against traffic, but I feel so stiff and nervous when cars are coming my way behind me. I've heard stories of people driving all the way to the opposite side of the road just to hit a runner and that is something I do not want to happen.
   I ran 3.25 miles again, a bit faster than Sunday night's run which was 39 minutes, this run was 37:47 minutes so I am still a ways behind my pre-pregnancy pace but that is alright because I will keep telling myself that what matters is that I got out there and ran. Running helps me tolerate the annoying baby fat that is determined to stay on, I mean yes I am training for a Half in October but I wouldn't mind so much if I missed it as long as I keep running. I want to get to the point of two 5 mile runs a week and one long run ranging between 8-12 miles during the weekend, my goal is 15-20 miles a week minimal.... heck the weekly runs can even range between 5-8 miles, whatever my body is feeling like doing.
   I might not have a perfect body, or a great looking body, or even the body I had when I got pregnant, but at least I can run and possibly run 13.1 miles in a couple months.... I will repeat that everyday.

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