Monday, September 23, 2019

2019 IMM Training - Week 21

So this past week started out really good, and then by Friday it started to fall apart and I wasn't sure if I would get my long run in or not. 
Monday I took as a rest day.
Tuesday - September 17 I went to the gym and then went and ran an easy 3 miles.

Wednesday - September 18, I got my 10 miler in.
I probably did some exercises at home for the core and abdominals but I usually don't log or record that.

Thursday - September 19 I had to take Rocky to the vet that morning but not until 10:30 so once I dropped Dorian off at school I went back home and changed clothes and drove to the trails. It was nice, though I goofed off a bit too much and had to race home to get Rocky. I got pulled over, but the officer was nice and just warned me to slow down.

Friday - September 20 is when things got rough, I managed to make it to the gym that morning but when I was in the locker room changing into my running shoes, hubby texted me that Dorian was up. So, as much as I wanted to head on out for my run I knew that if I was going to have any chance of getting a long run in, I needed to head hom so hubby could get some sleep.

Later that day I managed to leave the shop early enough to get home and change, it was only 90 degrees with sunshine and 15 mph winds... but for some reason I felt like I was dealing with heat induced sickness or something. I was only able to get in 4 miles before Dorian needed to be picked up.

Friday night, hubby basically begged me not to get up early and go anywhere so he could get some sleep. So I didn't, but instead, around 7 I took Dorian and Jetta to the riverfront to get in some sort of run. That stroller is pissing me off, not matter how much I try to adjust the front wheel, it continues to pull to the left. I managed to get in 4 miles, and then I let Dorian play at the playground for 15-20 minutes before we left. And of course Jetta did her best to follow him around on the equipment.

At this point I had accepted the reality that I wouldn't be able to finish the week off with a long run. But thankfully, that evening hubby asked how much I'd be running in the morning or something like that and I told him I wanted to get in at least 15 miles. Well, Saturday night he got back up at 10 PM and went to watch tv while I fell asleep. I woke up at 2:07 AM only to realize that he was still up and watching tv, at that point I didn't care. I was going to get up and go for my run no matter what.
I got up at 3:07 and had some oatmeal and water, then got dressed and put my hydration vest together. After last Sunday's awful 18 miler, I really didn't expect this to go well but I wanted to at least get in 14 miles to put me at 40 miles for the week. 
By mile 10 I knew I was going to aim for 18 miles, I was feeling pretty okay by that point compared to last week. But by mile 15 I had made my mind up to run 20 miles, things were still feeling pretty good and I really wanted to run 20 miles. By mile 17 I made my mind up that I was going to push it all the way to 21 miles.

 I was really tired but I felt accomplished as I hit mile 21. Finishing up the week with 47 miles.

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