Thursday, October 24, 2019

2019 IMM Training Week 22 & 23

After Week twenty-one's 47 miles capped off with a 21 mile run, I knew I needed to cut back the following week. 
I ran a total of 5 times, 4 days with one of those days running twice. And then I took Dorian for a hike, totalling the mileage to 25.7 miles.

 Week 23 I bumped the mileage back up a little, but I had the 2019 Evansville Half Marathon that Saturday so I knew the mileage wasn't going to be terribly high. In total, I ran 39 miles for that week.
I also ran 5.2 miles and walked .4 miles (technically .8 but I didn't log the first .4) to explore a new addition of the pathway at the Newburgh Rivertown trail.
Somewhere around Wednesday I started dealing with gas pains and just a strange pain in my intestines, like air moving through and screwing things up.


Honestly I'm a little frustrated, I don't have all the screenshots and I've been slacking on the blog damn it.
Friday I ran 5 miles
Saturday was the Evansville Half marathon, I was a little worried because even though the gas pains were slowly disappearing, the thought of getting hit with that pain during the race made me nervous so I decided I was going to shoot for a positive split.
I got up early enough to get in an easy 3.2 mile run with Jetta, trying to warm up my muscles. Then when I got to Evansville and found a parking lot to park in, I ran another .7 miles to the start.
Oddly enough, the race went really good and I felt good overall, no bathroom breaks and not too much pain. My watch started out .1 ahead of the mile markers but by mile 5 or 6 it slowly started to drop behind until finally being .1 mile behind (which is normal for it).
My finish time for 13.1 miles was 2:08:33 with an average pace of 9:49 min/mile.

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