Monday, September 16, 2019

2019 IMM Training - Week 20

So last week was week number 20, and things are looking pretty good (though a little scary looking at my mileage). 
I'm feeling really good about everything, I just wish the damn summer heat would go away and bring on Autumn, at this point I am freaking ready for winter.

Monday - September 9, I wasn't able to get up early enough but I wanted to get in a run so snuck it in after dropping Dorian off at school.

Tuesday - September 10 I managed to make it to the gym and get a run in.

Wednesday - September 11, I didn't get up that morning so I had to suffer the afternoon heat of 93 degrees.

Friday - September 13, I made it to the gym and got a run in right after that, the 72 degrees wasn't too bad compared to the 92 degrees and sunshine.

Saturday - September 14, I slept in until 6:30 that morning but eventually I got up and took Jetta for a run.

Sunday - September 15, I woke up feeling fine and ready for my 18 miler. I decided (big, stupid mistake) to rub some of Runner's High Herbal "Some Like it Hot" ointment onto my calves. Thinking it would help relax my calves so they wouldn't be so tight. It was between miles 7 and 8 that I realized what a huge mistake I made. My calves were on fire, and the rest of me felt a bit like crap too. At mile 9 my legs felt a little bit like jello, wobbly and weak, but by miles 10 and 11 I was ready to be done, my legs felt like lead and I just wanted to jump into a tub of ice.
I was so freaking happy to get home and have it done, but the fire in my calves didn't go away until later that morning.

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