Monday, September 16, 2019

2019 IMM Training - 6 Weeks and 5 Days Out

As of this last week, we are less than 7 weeks away from the 2019 Indianapolis Monumental Marathon. 
  I had wanted to do the Honest Abe Trail Marathon, it was yesterday (September 15) but due to inconsistencies with my training I had decided it best not to. So glad I made that decision, the 18 miler I ran yesterday was tough as hell.
Beyond Monumental unveiled their finisher's medal for this year, and it is pretty cool.

So far this year, September is looking to be my best month, mileage wise. As long as I don't do anything stupid or it turns out that I bumped things up way too fast. As of yesterday I have ran 99.6 miles, my plan this week is to get in a 20 mile long run Sunday and totalling up the week with 45 miles. Next week I'll cut it back just a little with a 13-16 mile long run, giving me 37-40 miles for that week.
That should give me around 180 miles for September, quite a jump from August's 131.1 miles but hopefully it won't be something I regret. I'm hoping this year's winter won't be too bad and I can continue my high mileage in preparation for the 2020 Land Between the Lakes 60k (or 50 miler). I haven't yet told hubby that I've already signed up for the 60k, I'm still debating on whether to tell him that or tell him I only signed up for the marathon distance. He kind of freaks out when I start talking about distances of more than 26.2 miles. This year I think we've lost 3-6 women during marathon races or training, and even though that is a small amount, it still makes my husband nervous.

Anyways, hopefully week 21 will see success. 

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