Monday, September 22, 2014

Week 13 Finished.... Barely

  So Thursday I ran the 4 miles on trails and I am sure I posted that as part of Tuesday and Wednesday's bloop. Friday Rocky and I ran 6 miles on the roads, and it was a very pleasant 55 degrees with a slight breeze. It felt amazing, we ran 6 miles in 1:03:08 with an elevation gain of 102 feet and a loss of 100 feet. Real quick - the laps
Mile 1 - 11:11
Mile 2 - 10:31
Mile 3 - 10:29
Mile 4 - 10:14
Mile 5 - 10:43
Mile 6 - 9:58

   Saturday............ a heat furnace came in and the temps were 85-90 degrees all day and I just decided to take a rest day before what was supposed to be my second 20 miler. Mother nature had other plans though........
  Sunday morning I woke up at 3:15 AM and ate a Cinnamon Raisin English muffin with coffee, laid back on the couch until 4 AM when I got up to get dressed and ready. I immediately noticed lightning, but though I would still try and get whatever mileage I could in and hell it was only 40% chance for scattered t-storms. Within 5 minutes after I started I was chased back to the house by lightning, it was literally coming on top of me by the time I got to the backdoor with only .9 miles - I was freaking pissed off.
   I laid back down on the couch and waited it out, figuring I could at least get some mileage in once the shit passed over and then run some later in the day with Dorian before our date at 7 PM.
  I woke up at 7 AM, and the storms were gone, but the humidity and temp was up. 70 degrees and 88% humidity, it was a like a freaking kick in the ass compared to the last 2-3 weeks of beautiful weather that my body had already happily adapted to. It sucked, I managed 10 miles in 1:40:00 but I had to stop a lot and even stop at the gas station just after mile 1. I was severely craving water by mile 8, it sucked.
  Finished 10 miles in 1:40:00 with an average pace of 10:00 min/mile, elevation gain of 203 feet and a loss of 195 feet. Got back home a little frustrated and tired.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:57
Mile 2 - 10:50
Mile 3 - 11:01
Mile 4 - 10:10
Mile 5 - 9:59
Mile 6 - 9:30
Mile 7 - 9:37
Mile 8 - 9:23
Mile 9 - 9:34
Mile 10 - 8:56

   I was sore and tired at this point, but after Dorian woke from his nap at 3:15 we headed to the river front and I attempted another run. It was 79 degrees now, sunny and with wind.... lots of wind - 11 mph wind which normally isn't even a problem..... unless you are pushing a stroller. I haven't had side stitches and cramps in a long time, but I had some during this run and it sucked. I had mixed water and orange gatorade together in a 21 oz bottle half and half, I have to say I prefer grape.
  I finished 6.6 miles in 1:06:21 with an average pace of 10:03 min/mile, and a total of 17.5 miles for Sunday's long run though not all together is still better since I originally had 20 miles planned... stupid freaking weather.

  That closed out week 13, and let me say I am getting really, really excited and nervous and excited now. Nervous as in a good nervous (if there is such a thing). I am obsessing over the Spirit of a Marathon and the 2nd one, watching them constantly and even watch Race for the Soul. Only 39 more days until the Monumental Marathon.

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