Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Last Three Days and Some Thoughts

 First, Tuesday was our 5 miler and it was 61 degrees so not awful at all. I had thought about running the trails but chickened out and we ran the roads, Rocky and I ran 5 miles in an easy 52:38 with an average 10:31 min/mile pace and an elevation gain of 113 feet with a loss of 110 feet.
  Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:19
Mile 2 - 10:35
Mile 3 - 10:33
Mile 4 - 10:15
Mile 5 - 9:55
   Our DSL line finally went to shit around 8:30 AM after my 5 miler and we haven't had the internet since so I had not idea what the temperature was Wednesday morning. I had my capris on, a tank top and grabbed my gloves just in case. Thank god I thought about the gloves at least, because it was a cold 46 degrees out and my shoulders and upper arms were freezing for the first 45 minutes. Rocky of course loved it, but it was extremely foggy out even though the sky was clear as ever, you couldn't see more than 20-25 feet ahead of you which is why I was so glad I was wearing my blinky vest even though drivers still just about ran me over. Some of them I swear actually aimed for me, asshole drivers.
   It is staying darker longer and longer, the sun didn't start coming up until around 6:15. Other than crazy drivers, everything else was going goo until around mile 8 when we had to come to a walk due to a stupid dog that has attacked Rocky before. I think it added 30 seconds or more to my time, stupid freaking dog.
  We finished 10 miles in 1:38:34 with an average pace of 9:51 min/mile, an elevation gain of 252 feet and a loss of 256 feet. And I didn't have to make one single potty break.... oh wait... just before mile 4 I had to pee really bad lol.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:56
Mile 2 - 10:19
Mile 3 - 9:59
Mile 4 - 9:52
Mile 5 - 9:52
Mile 6 - 9:55
Mile 7 - 9:48
Mile 8 - 10:05  (stupid freaking dog!)
Mile 9 - 9:24
Mile 9:20

    This morning I decided that for our 4 mile easy run, Rocky and I would hit the trails. It was 59 degrees, so I wore shorts but wore a dri-fit T just in case because I didn't know the temp until later. Things were going great until around .7 miles in when one of those roots that come out of the ground for about a foot and then go back into the ground (a rope like root) caught my left foot and almost took me out. I tried ripping it out of the ground in anger but couldn't, I might carry a knife next time. After that, things went well, I slowed down considerably though, trying to avoid roots. This whole running in the dark having only a head lamp to see sucks major, and I honestly don't know how I am going to train for trail races if I am so afraid of tripping and breaking something or that I go at such a slow pace in fear of tripping and breaking. It is really freaking frustrating!
   We ran 4 miles in 44:14 with an average pace of 11:03 min/mile, not bad considering the trails and how rooty they are and how much I tried to avoid the roots. Seems there are much more roots this year than last year.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:59
Mile 2 - 11:08
Mile 3 - 11:02
Mile 4 - 11:02

   As for my thoughts, only 43 days until the marathon and they have posted pics of the medal to their facebook page and have announced that the next 4 years including 2014 will have medals consisting of a different monument - blah blah I will post the link - The Four Year Medal Series:

   Seriously, I think I am going to have to run all 4 because I want the medals lol.
   After running the trails this morning, I am having doubts about LBL marathon and other trail races, I mean how can I train for ultras and trail races if I a so afraid of tripping and breaking something? Until Dorian is old enough to run with me, I have no choice but to run in the dark and the Angel Mounds trails are getting worse and worse (as far as roots are concerned) and honestly...... I really, really wish I had more trails to choose from in my area :(

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