Monday, September 15, 2014

Closing out Week 12

   Week 12 is over and done, only 7 more weeks to go before the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon. Mileage for week 12 was 46.1 miles, and it is insane to think that the big 26.2 is getting so close and pretty soon I'll step into that unknown. 
   Yesterday was another 18 miler, and I really didn't want to get which probably didn't help the run overall. I got up anyways, and along with capris and a regular dri-fit T I also wore my north face gloves - the 50 degrees was still pretty damn chilly for the first mile and I didn't really start warming up until around mile 7 or 8 or when the sun eventually began to rise around mile 9. Of course everything was going pretty good until mile 9 when I had to make a pit stop, I thought things were back to good but then around mile 11 I started having stomach troubles and from that point on it sucked to run because my stomach would just jostle around. At mile 13 I had to make another pit stop in a cornfield (luckily I have been carrying baby wipes during these long runs), and between mile 15 and 16 I had to walk some as the stomach issues were just too much to ignore. I will admit I was stopping every now and then just to stop the nausea or queezy sea sickness type thing I was feeling.
   Overall, I am glad I got it done and the 50 degrees definitely made it so much easier to handle than if it had been 70 and humid. I ran 18 miles in 3:03:28 with an average pace of 10:11 min/mile, elevation gain of 347 feet and a loss of 348 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:52
Mile 2 - 10:50
Mile 3 - 10:32
Mile 4 - 10:35
Mile 5 - 10:15
Mile 6 - 10:19
Mile 7 - 10:20
Mile 8 - 10:14
Mile 9 - 10:23
Mile 10 - 10:17
Mile 11 - 9:58
Mile 12 - 10:32
Mile 13 - 9:34
Mile 14 - 9:38
Mile 15 - 9:28
Mile 16 - 11:20
Mile 17 - 9:23
Mile 18 - 8:54

    Yeah, those are some pretty weird splits after mile 11 and I really hope I don't feel the need to stop so much during the race, hopefully all the people around me will keep me going like they have in the half marathons. I can't seem to run very long by myself without stopping, for some reason it is either due to the lonesomeness or whatever, running with people in races are a great distraction.
   I am seriously contemplated running my 5 miles tomorrow morning on the trails with Rocky, if I do I am going to have to be extra, extra cautious.

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