Sunday, September 7, 2014

Last Four Days and This Morning's Encounter

Apparently I haven't blogged since Wednesday, hmmm....
  Okay so Thursday it felt great enough to take Rocky out for his first run since August 17. He did pretty good, we ran 4 miles in 43:47 with an average pace of 10:56 min/mile so to make sure he was enjoying it. The temperature was 70 degrees with 88% humidity.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:26
Mile 2 - 11:09
Mile 3 - 10:43
Mile 4 - 10:26

  Friday was a little more humid but Rocky really wanted to go so again we took it real easy. We ran 6 miles in 1:05:45 with an average pace of 10:57 min/mile, and I accidentally used poison ivy or something to wipe..... yeah so now I have poison ivy all over my thighs, waist, stomach AND my freaking face.
  Temperature was 72 degrees, 94% humidity.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1- 11:32

Mile 2 - 10:59
Mile 3 - 11:02
Mile 4 - 10:48
Mile 5 - 11:07
Mile 6 - 10:16

  Saturday's run waited until later in the afternoon, it was definitely cooling off and it was 73 degrees and no humidity pretty much so I took Dorian and Rocky along. We went to the greenway and it was pretty busy, which makes running with a stroller AND a dog really tough. We ran 4.1 miles in 42:51 with an average pace of 10:27 min/mile.... why the heck do I run my easy runs so much quicker when I am pushing Dorian?
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:36
Mile 2 - 10:11
Mile 3 - 11:13
Mile 4 - 9:52
.1       - 9:49

   This morning freaking unbelievably amazing, getting out on the road I felt so giddy. But first, Dorian, me and Rocky were stuck at the shop yesterday after our run from 5 to 8:45 waiting while my stepson replaced the inside handle to my driver's side door on the Tahoe. Dorian was grumpy, I was tired and we got home at 9 but weren't able to go to sleep because I still had to do laundry and that involved my running shorts and sports bra. I did get to bed until 10:45 last night, and I didn't want to get out of bed when my alarm went off at 3:15 AM..... and almost didn't because Dorian was pretty restless.
  But I just had to get up, it was 61 degrees and like no freaking humidity.... I just couldn't let this morning go to waste because I was exhausted. I didn't want to do the 18 miler, mentally or physically so I just took it one mile at a time.
  Things were going pretty good early on, no aches or pains and the crisp air just made me feel so giddy and happy. But around mile 3.5 is when things almost got really bad, I was just minding my own business running along a dark road with no street lights and just the stars up in the sky to keep me company, I had forgotten to keep an eye on the roadside..... until I came within 5 feet of it before it "hissed" at me, as soon as I saw that it was white and black and it wasn't running away from me but instead towards me... yeah I freaking bolted back the way I came. That bastard skunk may have chased me only 15 feet but I sprinted almost a quarter of a mile before stopping, and then it took me 5 minutes to get the nerve to start back up that way hoping the little rodent had taken off into the corn fields on either side of the road.
   Gosh that just about put my legs in the grave, it definitely didn't help in the last few miles. After that things were uneventful again, though around mile 4.5 I came across another skunk but this one scurried away thankfully.
  It felt amazing, I wasn't tired or sweating like a pig but my thighs were very agitated due to the poison ivy and I was wishing I had chosen to wear my capris instead. The body glide wasn't helping at all, I did my best to ignore it and just enjoy the gorgeous weather. I also didn't bring my mp3 player so stupid songs kept popping into my head (Taylor Swift's shake it off, Sir mix alot's big butts, the song getting drunk on a plane).
 Things got tough around mile 11, but I pushed on. By mile 14 so many parts of my legs were aching and sore...... I would stop every once and a while, drink some water or gatorade and push on. I had to make 3 pit stops in the whole run dang it.
   With all that, I finished my 18 miler in 2:56:51 with an average pace of 9:49 min/mile. Elevation gain of 296 feet and a loss of 293 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:53
Mile 2 - 10:29
Mile 3 - 10:02
Mile 4 - 9:53
Mile 5 - 10:21
Mile 6 - 10:14
Mile 7 - 10:03
Mile 8 - 9:49
Mile 9 - 10:19
Mile 10 - 9:35
Mile 11 - 9:37
Mile 12 - 9:38
Mile 13 - 9:22
Mile 14 - 10:03
Mile 15 - 9:30
Mile 16 - 9:29
Mile 17 - 9:16
Mile 18 - 8:19

    Yep, there you go. Closing week 11 out with 46.6 miles, only 8 more weeks until the Monumental Marathon (or 54 days, 17 hours and 48 minutes). Now I am going to go take a nap.

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