Sunday, September 28, 2014

Finishing off Week 14

 Yesterday was very crappy, I decided not to get up early and took Dorian and Rocky with me to the riverfront for a 3.3-4 mile run. Things were going pretty good until we hit the stone pathway, not sure what kind of stone but not 5 minutes after getting on it my shins were screaming at me. From my knees all the way to my ankles it was hurting bad, I couldn't correct my form and I was seriously worried. Luckily once I got off the stone things felt somewhat better but my legs were just taxed from it. On the way back, we reached the stone right at 3.3 miles and I stopped my watch there and walked the .4 miles until the stone was over. Then we ran the final .7 miles to get 4 miles total, things felt better by that final .7 so I figured (or hoped) there was nothing wrong with my shins.
  This morning, once again I didn't want to get up or even go out the door and after eating a cinnamon raisin english muffin with peanut butter and some coffee at 3:15 AM I laid back down until 4 AM. It was a pain in the ass to get up, but I had 18 miles planned and even though I really wanted to stay in bed and take the day off I knew I had to get some mileage in.
  I grabbed my head lamp for the streets without lights that were also pitch black due to trees, which just made my head warmer which sucked. It was 65 degrees with 88% humidity with no wind or breeze whatsoever....... in other words it really sucked.
  By mile 2 I knew it was going to suck, but I kept pushing along. My calves were a little tight and sore, probably from the stress that my shins caused yesterday. I stopped at a gas station for a bathroom break just after mile 4 and got back out on the road thinking I didn't give a crap if I just ran 10 miles and then went right back to bed. By mile 6 I had made up my mind with just doing 10 miles, I figured it was better than nothing at all... you know?
  But by mile 8 I decided I didn't want just 10, but not being too sure about 18 or even 20 I decided I would try for 15 miles and be happy with that. I think I had my first gu by mile 6 and then the 2nd by mile 10 which is usually a little too soon for me. I am used to taking my first gu by mile 10 or 12, but this run was proving to be pretty damn tough.
  At mile 12 I had to stop and use the bathroom, sadly there was no gas station but thankfully some woods and a bridge and I had wipes, but mosquitoes suck major ass and no breeze makes it even worse.
  By mile 13 I said fuck 15, I want 18 damn it because that is what I had planned for the day and my legs/body was feeling quite a bit better even with the sun starting to come out of the clouds and that was making it even hotter which was making it suck even more. I was stopping at every mile, as usual and that pisses me off dang it. Just after mile 14 I rescued a baby Alligator Snapping Turtle on the road, tiny little guy was probably a half dollar size. 
  I had consumed all 3 gu's at this point, and was downing my grape gatorade fast, luckily I had my 2 Liter hydration reservoir which I had filled to 1.5. I can't really explain how happy I was to reach mile 16 because I knew I had to finish the final 2 miles.
  I finished 18 miles in 2:55:16 with an average pace of 9:44 min/mile, and an elevation gain of 336 feet, a loss of 337 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:46
Mile 2 - 10:18
Mile 3 - 10:10
Mile 4 - 10:05
Mile 5 - 10:04
Mile 6 - 10:08
Mile 7 - 10:01
Mile 8 - 10:04
Mile 9 -  9:50
Mile 10 - 9:45
Mile 11 - 9:33
Mile 12 - 10:15
Mile 13 - 9:17
Mile 14 - 9:21
Mile 15 - 9:20
Mile 16 - 9:06
Mile 17 - 8:38
Mile 18 - 8:34

   I am beginning to doubt finishing under 4:30:00, with all the stops I make during my long runs and even some of the walking....but I am just going to keep telling myself the most important thing is finishing that marathon.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Yesterday and Today

  The last two days have gone pretty good, though I had to force myself out of bed this morning. I am trying so hard not to think about the marathon, knowing it is so close to just a month away. I just want it a week away, but I must not think about it damn it. 
   Yesterday morning Rocky and I ran 4.2 miles in a nice 54 degrees, fast but without much effort at all. We ran 4.2 miles in 42:51 with an average pace of 10:12 min/mile.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:31
Mile 2 - 10:24
Mile 3 - 10:07
Mile 4 - 9:54
.2      - 9:37

    This morning it was tough to wake up, and I am not sure why because I went to sleep around 9:05 PM. It was 57 degrees, I wore shorts and a tank top so it felt great during the whole run. I tried to make sure I took it easy but it felt easy anyways.
    Rocky and I ran 6.5 miles in 1:05:04 with an average pace of 10:01 min/mile with a nice big hill towards the end.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:40
Mile 2 - 10:06
Mile 3 - 10:17
Mile 4 - 9:54
Mile 5 - 9:50
Mile 6 - 9:39
.5       - 9:17

    Tomorrow I am going to be a bit more relaxed, probably won't get up and run until 7 AM and I will take Rocky and Dorian with me for an easy 3.3 mile run.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

This Week So Far

  So I haven't had the internet at home since last Tuesday, but hopefully that will change tonight with Time Warner coming out.
  Yesterday morning Rocky and I ran 5 miles, it was 48 degrees out so it was a little chilly but not bad. The upper part of my right hamstring has been feeling a bit tight, trying to stretch it out some but I'll probably use the foam roller tonight.  We ran 5 miles in 51:42, with an average pace of 10:33 min/mile.
  While in the office yesterday afternoon, I got online and noticed registration is finally open for the Land Between the Lakes Marathon (and other distances) - you bet your ass I signed up without a second's thought...... but those second thoughts are definitely hanging around my head now lol, I haven't even ran my first marathon and I am already signed up for my second. 
 This morning it was 50 degrees and clear out, Rocky and I headed out the door and heard the awesome sound of coyotes just out in the field near our house. I noticed my hamstring would give me issue if I tried to go at an easy pace, but not so bad if I was going fast. I was having some stomach pain... not sure what and Rocky was starting to slow down around mile 7 but would do better if I got him onto the grass rather than the road.
  I had to stop a few times and try to stretch the hamstring, it wasn't really hurting but it felt in some ways that it was going to get really tight or cramp up. We ran 10 miles in 1:35:24 with an average pace of 9:32 min/mile, with an elevation gain of 225 feet and a loss of 221 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:59
Mile 2 - 10:30
Mile 3 - 10:02
Mile 4 - 9:37
Mile 5 - 9:35
Mile 6 - 9:21
Mile 7 - 9:01
Mile 8 - 9:02
Mile 9 - 8:50
Mile 10 - 8:26

    I sure hope to see numbers like during my marathon, but without any stops dang it, but it is usually easier to keep running without stopping when running with others.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Week 13 Finished.... Barely

  So Thursday I ran the 4 miles on trails and I am sure I posted that as part of Tuesday and Wednesday's bloop. Friday Rocky and I ran 6 miles on the roads, and it was a very pleasant 55 degrees with a slight breeze. It felt amazing, we ran 6 miles in 1:03:08 with an elevation gain of 102 feet and a loss of 100 feet. Real quick - the laps
Mile 1 - 11:11
Mile 2 - 10:31
Mile 3 - 10:29
Mile 4 - 10:14
Mile 5 - 10:43
Mile 6 - 9:58

   Saturday............ a heat furnace came in and the temps were 85-90 degrees all day and I just decided to take a rest day before what was supposed to be my second 20 miler. Mother nature had other plans though........
  Sunday morning I woke up at 3:15 AM and ate a Cinnamon Raisin English muffin with coffee, laid back on the couch until 4 AM when I got up to get dressed and ready. I immediately noticed lightning, but though I would still try and get whatever mileage I could in and hell it was only 40% chance for scattered t-storms. Within 5 minutes after I started I was chased back to the house by lightning, it was literally coming on top of me by the time I got to the backdoor with only .9 miles - I was freaking pissed off.
   I laid back down on the couch and waited it out, figuring I could at least get some mileage in once the shit passed over and then run some later in the day with Dorian before our date at 7 PM.
  I woke up at 7 AM, and the storms were gone, but the humidity and temp was up. 70 degrees and 88% humidity, it was a like a freaking kick in the ass compared to the last 2-3 weeks of beautiful weather that my body had already happily adapted to. It sucked, I managed 10 miles in 1:40:00 but I had to stop a lot and even stop at the gas station just after mile 1. I was severely craving water by mile 8, it sucked.
  Finished 10 miles in 1:40:00 with an average pace of 10:00 min/mile, elevation gain of 203 feet and a loss of 195 feet. Got back home a little frustrated and tired.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:57
Mile 2 - 10:50
Mile 3 - 11:01
Mile 4 - 10:10
Mile 5 - 9:59
Mile 6 - 9:30
Mile 7 - 9:37
Mile 8 - 9:23
Mile 9 - 9:34
Mile 10 - 8:56

   I was sore and tired at this point, but after Dorian woke from his nap at 3:15 we headed to the river front and I attempted another run. It was 79 degrees now, sunny and with wind.... lots of wind - 11 mph wind which normally isn't even a problem..... unless you are pushing a stroller. I haven't had side stitches and cramps in a long time, but I had some during this run and it sucked. I had mixed water and orange gatorade together in a 21 oz bottle half and half, I have to say I prefer grape.
  I finished 6.6 miles in 1:06:21 with an average pace of 10:03 min/mile, and a total of 17.5 miles for Sunday's long run though not all together is still better since I originally had 20 miles planned... stupid freaking weather.

  That closed out week 13, and let me say I am getting really, really excited and nervous and excited now. Nervous as in a good nervous (if there is such a thing). I am obsessing over the Spirit of a Marathon and the 2nd one, watching them constantly and even watch Race for the Soul. Only 39 more days until the Monumental Marathon.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Last Three Days and Some Thoughts

 First, Tuesday was our 5 miler and it was 61 degrees so not awful at all. I had thought about running the trails but chickened out and we ran the roads, Rocky and I ran 5 miles in an easy 52:38 with an average 10:31 min/mile pace and an elevation gain of 113 feet with a loss of 110 feet.
  Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:19
Mile 2 - 10:35
Mile 3 - 10:33
Mile 4 - 10:15
Mile 5 - 9:55
   Our DSL line finally went to shit around 8:30 AM after my 5 miler and we haven't had the internet since so I had not idea what the temperature was Wednesday morning. I had my capris on, a tank top and grabbed my gloves just in case. Thank god I thought about the gloves at least, because it was a cold 46 degrees out and my shoulders and upper arms were freezing for the first 45 minutes. Rocky of course loved it, but it was extremely foggy out even though the sky was clear as ever, you couldn't see more than 20-25 feet ahead of you which is why I was so glad I was wearing my blinky vest even though drivers still just about ran me over. Some of them I swear actually aimed for me, asshole drivers.
   It is staying darker longer and longer, the sun didn't start coming up until around 6:15. Other than crazy drivers, everything else was going goo until around mile 8 when we had to come to a walk due to a stupid dog that has attacked Rocky before. I think it added 30 seconds or more to my time, stupid freaking dog.
  We finished 10 miles in 1:38:34 with an average pace of 9:51 min/mile, an elevation gain of 252 feet and a loss of 256 feet. And I didn't have to make one single potty break.... oh wait... just before mile 4 I had to pee really bad lol.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:56
Mile 2 - 10:19
Mile 3 - 9:59
Mile 4 - 9:52
Mile 5 - 9:52
Mile 6 - 9:55
Mile 7 - 9:48
Mile 8 - 10:05  (stupid freaking dog!)
Mile 9 - 9:24
Mile 9:20

    This morning I decided that for our 4 mile easy run, Rocky and I would hit the trails. It was 59 degrees, so I wore shorts but wore a dri-fit T just in case because I didn't know the temp until later. Things were going great until around .7 miles in when one of those roots that come out of the ground for about a foot and then go back into the ground (a rope like root) caught my left foot and almost took me out. I tried ripping it out of the ground in anger but couldn't, I might carry a knife next time. After that, things went well, I slowed down considerably though, trying to avoid roots. This whole running in the dark having only a head lamp to see sucks major, and I honestly don't know how I am going to train for trail races if I am so afraid of tripping and breaking something or that I go at such a slow pace in fear of tripping and breaking. It is really freaking frustrating!
   We ran 4 miles in 44:14 with an average pace of 11:03 min/mile, not bad considering the trails and how rooty they are and how much I tried to avoid the roots. Seems there are much more roots this year than last year.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:59
Mile 2 - 11:08
Mile 3 - 11:02
Mile 4 - 11:02

   As for my thoughts, only 43 days until the marathon and they have posted pics of the medal to their facebook page and have announced that the next 4 years including 2014 will have medals consisting of a different monument - blah blah I will post the link - The Four Year Medal Series:

   Seriously, I think I am going to have to run all 4 because I want the medals lol.
   After running the trails this morning, I am having doubts about LBL marathon and other trail races, I mean how can I train for ultras and trail races if I a so afraid of tripping and breaking something? Until Dorian is old enough to run with me, I have no choice but to run in the dark and the Angel Mounds trails are getting worse and worse (as far as roots are concerned) and honestly...... I really, really wish I had more trails to choose from in my area :(

Monday, September 15, 2014

Closing out Week 12

   Week 12 is over and done, only 7 more weeks to go before the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon. Mileage for week 12 was 46.1 miles, and it is insane to think that the big 26.2 is getting so close and pretty soon I'll step into that unknown. 
   Yesterday was another 18 miler, and I really didn't want to get which probably didn't help the run overall. I got up anyways, and along with capris and a regular dri-fit T I also wore my north face gloves - the 50 degrees was still pretty damn chilly for the first mile and I didn't really start warming up until around mile 7 or 8 or when the sun eventually began to rise around mile 9. Of course everything was going pretty good until mile 9 when I had to make a pit stop, I thought things were back to good but then around mile 11 I started having stomach troubles and from that point on it sucked to run because my stomach would just jostle around. At mile 13 I had to make another pit stop in a cornfield (luckily I have been carrying baby wipes during these long runs), and between mile 15 and 16 I had to walk some as the stomach issues were just too much to ignore. I will admit I was stopping every now and then just to stop the nausea or queezy sea sickness type thing I was feeling.
   Overall, I am glad I got it done and the 50 degrees definitely made it so much easier to handle than if it had been 70 and humid. I ran 18 miles in 3:03:28 with an average pace of 10:11 min/mile, elevation gain of 347 feet and a loss of 348 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:52
Mile 2 - 10:50
Mile 3 - 10:32
Mile 4 - 10:35
Mile 5 - 10:15
Mile 6 - 10:19
Mile 7 - 10:20
Mile 8 - 10:14
Mile 9 - 10:23
Mile 10 - 10:17
Mile 11 - 9:58
Mile 12 - 10:32
Mile 13 - 9:34
Mile 14 - 9:38
Mile 15 - 9:28
Mile 16 - 11:20
Mile 17 - 9:23
Mile 18 - 8:54

    Yeah, those are some pretty weird splits after mile 11 and I really hope I don't feel the need to stop so much during the race, hopefully all the people around me will keep me going like they have in the half marathons. I can't seem to run very long by myself without stopping, for some reason it is either due to the lonesomeness or whatever, running with people in races are a great distraction.
   I am seriously contemplated running my 5 miles tomorrow morning on the trails with Rocky, if I do I am going to have to be extra, extra cautious.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The 2014 Fido Walk, Rock and Run 5k

I swore off races with distances shorter than 15k for the rest of this year and possibly pretty much until my first 50k............. BUT this race would be Rocky's first race and with other dogs and people (!!) and I figured I wouldn't be a fast run that would risk me being fatigued for tomorrow's 16-18 miler so I thought what the hell . 
  The race was at 8 AM, we left the house at 7 and since the race was at the Vanderburgh Humane Society which was only a 3 minute drive from the shop I decided to stop at the shop first and use the bathroom. We got to the race 15 minutes before the start, had I known that they had an unleashed area for the dogs to hang out and play before (and after) the race I would have taken Rocky over there so he would have met some of the dogs. Instead we walked over to the start, and Rocky was excited as he was seeing other dogs. I decided to walk down a ways from the start, even ran a little to get Rocky's bowels moving so we wouldn't have to stop mid-way or even once during the race. Lucky for me, Rocky went to the bathroom and we headed back to the start. We didn't start until 8:07 and Rocky was losing his mind standing there wanting to say hi to every single dog and person, so much so that he was whining and whimpering and I was a little embarrassed.... almost wondering if this was a good decision. It was cold, 52 degrees and a bit of a breeze and cloudy, perfect running weather but not so great when you're standing still.
  We finally got going, and it was really tough hanging onto Rocky... he was dragging me and it was hurting my arms, within the first half mile him and a husky got tangled up for a second with the leashes.... they were more interested in playing than running. After we got on the greenway, and away from a few of the dogs Rocky seemed to get serious. At this point my arms were already sore, and I was a little worried that this was an out and back course, but luckily Rocky was on my right side on the way back and he was all business so passing dogs wasn't a problem.
  But we were taking it easy, or at least it felt relatively easy which is exactly what I wanted it to be. We ran 3.1 miles in 27:02 with an average pace of 8:43 min/mile, not bad at all for Rocky and me and it didn't even really feel that hard at all so that is good news. Rocky was 3rd finisher dog while I placed 7th in women overall, but we had to leave and I didn't know about any medals or trophies that the dogs get :(
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 9:13
Mile 2 - 9:02
Mile 3 - 8:25
.1       - 7:21

   Not a bad race really, I had no plans of putting out a hard effort and this really didn't feel hard at all. I'm feeling pretty good for tomorrow's 16-18 miler.

Thursday, Friday

  First things first - FALL IS HERE!!!!! No more nasty, hot stinky temperatures!!! At least not within the 10 day forecast, beautiful cold temps with lows in the 50's and highs in the low 80's or even 70's!!!!!  
Thursday Rocky and I ran 4 miles pushing Dorian with us, it was 64 degrees and 77% humidity but it felt great, especially compared to the Thursday a week before. I made sure to dress Dorian in pants and long sleeves, I didn't want him to be cold. We ran 4 miles in 40:11 with an average pace of 10:02 min/mile, elevation gain of 105 feet and a loss of 120 feet.
  Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:11

Mile 2 - 10:04
Mile 3 - 10:04
Mile 4 - 9:50

   Friday was even more amazing, it just makes me giddy thinking about Fall and cooler weather while it also reminds me of Molly and how much she loved this kind of weather :'( it will be 2 years since she passed on December 2, 2012. Being a Husky/Shepherd mix, she always enjoyed the colder seasons more than the hot humid summers, these days just remind me of how much I miss her and she was still with me.
   Rocky and I ran 6 miles in 1:03:11 with an average pace of 10:31 min/mile, was definitely trying to take it easy. Right before mile 1 I had to make a pit stop (damn it). Temperature was 57 degrees, 88% humidity and 9 mph NNE winds so it felt GREAT. Elevation gain of 115 feet and a loss of 113 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:03
Mile 2 - 10:38
Mile 3 - 10:25
Mile 4 - 10:36
Mile 5 - 10:14
Mile 6 - 10:14


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Yesterday & Today

  First off, yesterday morning was just amazing... 60 freaking degrees and the moon was shining so brightly, there really wasn't any need for street lights. It was a clear early morning, the moon wasn't huge but it was bright.
  Rocky and I ran 5 miles easy, I was a little sore for the first mile or so but things eased up pretty quick. It was a very enjoyable run, and makes me so ready for Fall and even Winter.
   We ran 5 miles in 54:08 with an average pace of 10:49 min/mile, just nice and slow. Near the end with only a half mile left we spooked a skunk and what looked like 3 raccoons getting into some trash, I will admit that I am pretty skittish around skunks now.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:27
Mile 2 - 10:58
Mile 3 - 10:39
Mile 4 - 10:30
Mile 5 - 10:30

  This morning wasn't quite as chilly, about 12 degrees warmer and the humidity could definitely be felt. I decided to take Rocky with me, even though it was 72 degrees and 83%, it wasn't awful especially with the nice little breeze but I know Rocky preferred yesterday's temp and the of course I had to wear capris due to the stupid poison ivy so that made things a little warmer.
  The plan was 10 miles this morning, after much thinking I had decided to bump Wednesday's runs up to 10 so I was curious to see how Rocky would handle it. Overall he did well, he panted a lot and was lagging a bit around the last mile but of course I had also picked up the pace. I guess animals aren't really built like us, they tend to slow down as time progresses while we pick up the pace.
  We ran 10 miles in 1:42:40 with an average pace of 10:16 min/mile, not bad at all. Elevation gain of 216 feet and a loss of 223 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:04
Mile 2 - 10:34
Mile 3 - 10:21
Mile 4 - 10:27
Mile 5 - 10:05
Mile 6 - 10:12
Mile 7 - 10:20
Mile 8 - 10:06
Mile 9 - 9:24

  I am trying my hardest not to think about how much longer until the marathon, less than 2 months damn it and I am seriously thinking about it all day..... September is already almost half way over, it is crazy.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Last Four Days and This Morning's Encounter

Apparently I haven't blogged since Wednesday, hmmm....
  Okay so Thursday it felt great enough to take Rocky out for his first run since August 17. He did pretty good, we ran 4 miles in 43:47 with an average pace of 10:56 min/mile so to make sure he was enjoying it. The temperature was 70 degrees with 88% humidity.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:26
Mile 2 - 11:09
Mile 3 - 10:43
Mile 4 - 10:26

  Friday was a little more humid but Rocky really wanted to go so again we took it real easy. We ran 6 miles in 1:05:45 with an average pace of 10:57 min/mile, and I accidentally used poison ivy or something to wipe..... yeah so now I have poison ivy all over my thighs, waist, stomach AND my freaking face.
  Temperature was 72 degrees, 94% humidity.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1- 11:32

Mile 2 - 10:59
Mile 3 - 11:02
Mile 4 - 10:48
Mile 5 - 11:07
Mile 6 - 10:16

  Saturday's run waited until later in the afternoon, it was definitely cooling off and it was 73 degrees and no humidity pretty much so I took Dorian and Rocky along. We went to the greenway and it was pretty busy, which makes running with a stroller AND a dog really tough. We ran 4.1 miles in 42:51 with an average pace of 10:27 min/mile.... why the heck do I run my easy runs so much quicker when I am pushing Dorian?
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:36
Mile 2 - 10:11
Mile 3 - 11:13
Mile 4 - 9:52
.1       - 9:49

   This morning freaking unbelievably amazing, getting out on the road I felt so giddy. But first, Dorian, me and Rocky were stuck at the shop yesterday after our run from 5 to 8:45 waiting while my stepson replaced the inside handle to my driver's side door on the Tahoe. Dorian was grumpy, I was tired and we got home at 9 but weren't able to go to sleep because I still had to do laundry and that involved my running shorts and sports bra. I did get to bed until 10:45 last night, and I didn't want to get out of bed when my alarm went off at 3:15 AM..... and almost didn't because Dorian was pretty restless.
  But I just had to get up, it was 61 degrees and like no freaking humidity.... I just couldn't let this morning go to waste because I was exhausted. I didn't want to do the 18 miler, mentally or physically so I just took it one mile at a time.
  Things were going pretty good early on, no aches or pains and the crisp air just made me feel so giddy and happy. But around mile 3.5 is when things almost got really bad, I was just minding my own business running along a dark road with no street lights and just the stars up in the sky to keep me company, I had forgotten to keep an eye on the roadside..... until I came within 5 feet of it before it "hissed" at me, as soon as I saw that it was white and black and it wasn't running away from me but instead towards me... yeah I freaking bolted back the way I came. That bastard skunk may have chased me only 15 feet but I sprinted almost a quarter of a mile before stopping, and then it took me 5 minutes to get the nerve to start back up that way hoping the little rodent had taken off into the corn fields on either side of the road.
   Gosh that just about put my legs in the grave, it definitely didn't help in the last few miles. After that things were uneventful again, though around mile 4.5 I came across another skunk but this one scurried away thankfully.
  It felt amazing, I wasn't tired or sweating like a pig but my thighs were very agitated due to the poison ivy and I was wishing I had chosen to wear my capris instead. The body glide wasn't helping at all, I did my best to ignore it and just enjoy the gorgeous weather. I also didn't bring my mp3 player so stupid songs kept popping into my head (Taylor Swift's shake it off, Sir mix alot's big butts, the song getting drunk on a plane).
 Things got tough around mile 11, but I pushed on. By mile 14 so many parts of my legs were aching and sore...... I would stop every once and a while, drink some water or gatorade and push on. I had to make 3 pit stops in the whole run dang it.
   With all that, I finished my 18 miler in 2:56:51 with an average pace of 9:49 min/mile. Elevation gain of 296 feet and a loss of 293 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:53
Mile 2 - 10:29
Mile 3 - 10:02
Mile 4 - 9:53
Mile 5 - 10:21
Mile 6 - 10:14
Mile 7 - 10:03
Mile 8 - 9:49
Mile 9 - 10:19
Mile 10 - 9:35
Mile 11 - 9:37
Mile 12 - 9:38
Mile 13 - 9:22
Mile 14 - 10:03
Mile 15 - 9:30
Mile 16 - 9:29
Mile 17 - 9:16
Mile 18 - 8:19

    Yep, there you go. Closing week 11 out with 46.6 miles, only 8 more weeks until the Monumental Marathon (or 54 days, 17 hours and 48 minutes). Now I am going to go take a nap.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Week Eleven So Far

  So I took Sunday off along with Monday, saying goodbye to August with 175.2 miles but I needed a few days off. Yesterday I ran 5.3 miles easy, though the last mile and .3 were a bit faster than I wanted and I really only had 5 miles planned but upon looking at the sky I decided I would make it 5.3 and pick up a bit of pace. Since the beginning of my run there was constant lightning but as the sun began to come up I could really see how bad the sky looked. I am lucky I made it home in one piece, the temperature was 79 degrees, humidity 79% so it wasn't bad and there was 11 mph SSW winds so it definitely felt better. The inside of my right ankle felt achy during the first 3 miles or so of my run, but then it would go away and it doesn't really feel like it is my ankle but near it.
  I ran 5.3 miles in 56:49 with an average pace of 10:43 min/mile.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:28
Mile 2 - 10:52
Mile 3 - 10:34
Mile 4 - 10:33
Mile 5 - 10:19
Mile 5.3 - 10:06

   This morning was cooler, temperature of 66 degrees with 94% humidity but not bad at all. I didn't get much sleep though, and around 1 AM Dorian was especially restless, I honestly didn't think I was going to be able to run but luckily by 4 AM he was pretty much out.
   The inside of my right ankle was aching again during the first 2-3 miles of this run, I am currently wearing my little brace thingy hoping it will help... I might ice the spot later today when I get home. Even with cooler weather, I wasn't really able to get up much speed so this was definitely an easy MLR which I am okay with, I just want to take it easy for another week or 2.
   I ran 9.2 miles in 1:36:11 with an average pace of 10:27 min/mile, elevation gain of 184 feet and a loss of 187 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:24
Mile 2 - 11:07
Mile 3 - 10:34
Mile 4 - 10:48
Mile 5 - 10:45
Mile 6 - 10:17
Mile 7 - 10:04
Mile 8 - 10:03
Mile 9 - 9:19
.2      - 9:07

    I am hoping my ankle area is just aching from the training, some other experienced marathoners say I should expect these little aches as I get more into these longer distances and training. As long as it isn't actual pain, a little ache here or there isn't anything to worry about.
   September 13 is the Fido Run/Walk 5k, I know I am no longer interested in short distances like 10k or less but I decided I wanted to try this with Rocky and just have fun. I don't expect to race it, I am sure Rocky will be much more interested in saying hi to other dogs and people, but I will do my best not to push it as I've got an 18 miler planned that Sunday.
  This Sunday is promising much cooler weather, I am hoping (and PRAYING) it is true. I've got 18 miles to run that morning.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Excited, Some Thoughts, Some Concern......

  First, I want to say that I am sad that Pegleg1983 is leaving the bloop and that things aren't working out with the injury :( I hope things improve and that she is able to come back and get back to running.  :'(
  Today is September 1 which means only 2 months until the Monumental Marathon!!!!! I took yesterday and today off, and I am definitely feeling refreshed and strong..... of course I haven't really been outside in the humid crap so I don't know lol, this hot, humid weather has really been a challenge for my first marathon training BUT I seriously think it is going to pay off come cooler weather and if the weather is as gorgeous this year as it was during last year's race.
  Now for the concern and thoughts - I think I've found my first 50k... it is in October, the StumpJump 50k in Chattanooga, TN.
  This year it is on October 4, the same day that the Evansville Half is on and last year it was on the very same day, and 2012's race was as well. BUT looking back from 2011 to 2008 it was not, and sometimes it was even a week later or earlier than the Evansville Half. Just maybe, maybe it will not be on the same date next year, I am hoping and praying it isn't because I have openly promised myself to the Evansville Half Marathon every year since 2011 because it is the race that inspired me to begin my journey and love affair with running.
  I am not sure when registration opens but I think it ends on September 27 or when the entries are filled up. The Evansville Half will show next year's date and open registration around March, Stumpjump 50k will probably do it around the same time too along with registration.
  I am going to do my best not to fret about it until I know what the dates are, I mean hell I also have the Land Between the Lakes marathon in my sights for next March.... though I am secretly wanting to do the 60k.. but don't tell anybody!
  Right now I am just going to focus my excitement on the Evansville Half just a month away and the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon 2 months away.