Monday, September 23, 2019

2019 IMM Training - Week 21

So this past week started out really good, and then by Friday it started to fall apart and I wasn't sure if I would get my long run in or not. 
Monday I took as a rest day.
Tuesday - September 17 I went to the gym and then went and ran an easy 3 miles.

Wednesday - September 18, I got my 10 miler in.
I probably did some exercises at home for the core and abdominals but I usually don't log or record that.

Thursday - September 19 I had to take Rocky to the vet that morning but not until 10:30 so once I dropped Dorian off at school I went back home and changed clothes and drove to the trails. It was nice, though I goofed off a bit too much and had to race home to get Rocky. I got pulled over, but the officer was nice and just warned me to slow down.

Friday - September 20 is when things got rough, I managed to make it to the gym that morning but when I was in the locker room changing into my running shoes, hubby texted me that Dorian was up. So, as much as I wanted to head on out for my run I knew that if I was going to have any chance of getting a long run in, I needed to head hom so hubby could get some sleep.

Later that day I managed to leave the shop early enough to get home and change, it was only 90 degrees with sunshine and 15 mph winds... but for some reason I felt like I was dealing with heat induced sickness or something. I was only able to get in 4 miles before Dorian needed to be picked up.

Friday night, hubby basically begged me not to get up early and go anywhere so he could get some sleep. So I didn't, but instead, around 7 I took Dorian and Jetta to the riverfront to get in some sort of run. That stroller is pissing me off, not matter how much I try to adjust the front wheel, it continues to pull to the left. I managed to get in 4 miles, and then I let Dorian play at the playground for 15-20 minutes before we left. And of course Jetta did her best to follow him around on the equipment.

At this point I had accepted the reality that I wouldn't be able to finish the week off with a long run. But thankfully, that evening hubby asked how much I'd be running in the morning or something like that and I told him I wanted to get in at least 15 miles. Well, Saturday night he got back up at 10 PM and went to watch tv while I fell asleep. I woke up at 2:07 AM only to realize that he was still up and watching tv, at that point I didn't care. I was going to get up and go for my run no matter what.
I got up at 3:07 and had some oatmeal and water, then got dressed and put my hydration vest together. After last Sunday's awful 18 miler, I really didn't expect this to go well but I wanted to at least get in 14 miles to put me at 40 miles for the week. 
By mile 10 I knew I was going to aim for 18 miles, I was feeling pretty okay by that point compared to last week. But by mile 15 I had made my mind up to run 20 miles, things were still feeling pretty good and I really wanted to run 20 miles. By mile 17 I made my mind up that I was going to push it all the way to 21 miles.

 I was really tired but I felt accomplished as I hit mile 21. Finishing up the week with 47 miles.

Monday, September 16, 2019

2019 IMM Training - 6 Weeks and 5 Days Out

As of this last week, we are less than 7 weeks away from the 2019 Indianapolis Monumental Marathon. 
  I had wanted to do the Honest Abe Trail Marathon, it was yesterday (September 15) but due to inconsistencies with my training I had decided it best not to. So glad I made that decision, the 18 miler I ran yesterday was tough as hell.
Beyond Monumental unveiled their finisher's medal for this year, and it is pretty cool.

So far this year, September is looking to be my best month, mileage wise. As long as I don't do anything stupid or it turns out that I bumped things up way too fast. As of yesterday I have ran 99.6 miles, my plan this week is to get in a 20 mile long run Sunday and totalling up the week with 45 miles. Next week I'll cut it back just a little with a 13-16 mile long run, giving me 37-40 miles for that week.
That should give me around 180 miles for September, quite a jump from August's 131.1 miles but hopefully it won't be something I regret. I'm hoping this year's winter won't be too bad and I can continue my high mileage in preparation for the 2020 Land Between the Lakes 60k (or 50 miler). I haven't yet told hubby that I've already signed up for the 60k, I'm still debating on whether to tell him that or tell him I only signed up for the marathon distance. He kind of freaks out when I start talking about distances of more than 26.2 miles. This year I think we've lost 3-6 women during marathon races or training, and even though that is a small amount, it still makes my husband nervous.

Anyways, hopefully week 21 will see success. 

2019 IMM Training - Week 20

So last week was week number 20, and things are looking pretty good (though a little scary looking at my mileage). 
I'm feeling really good about everything, I just wish the damn summer heat would go away and bring on Autumn, at this point I am freaking ready for winter.

Monday - September 9, I wasn't able to get up early enough but I wanted to get in a run so snuck it in after dropping Dorian off at school.

Tuesday - September 10 I managed to make it to the gym and get a run in.

Wednesday - September 11, I didn't get up that morning so I had to suffer the afternoon heat of 93 degrees.

Friday - September 13, I made it to the gym and got a run in right after that, the 72 degrees wasn't too bad compared to the 92 degrees and sunshine.

Saturday - September 14, I slept in until 6:30 that morning but eventually I got up and took Jetta for a run.

Sunday - September 15, I woke up feeling fine and ready for my 18 miler. I decided (big, stupid mistake) to rub some of Runner's High Herbal "Some Like it Hot" ointment onto my calves. Thinking it would help relax my calves so they wouldn't be so tight. It was between miles 7 and 8 that I realized what a huge mistake I made. My calves were on fire, and the rest of me felt a bit like crap too. At mile 9 my legs felt a little bit like jello, wobbly and weak, but by miles 10 and 11 I was ready to be done, my legs felt like lead and I just wanted to jump into a tub of ice.
I was so freaking happy to get home and have it done, but the fire in my calves didn't go away until later that morning.

2019 IMM Training - Week 19

This week I had a 15k race, so I also decided it to be a cutback week after weeks 16-18 being consistent and increasing in mileage.
Week 19 - 37.6 miles of running, 3.2 miles of hiking.

Monday - September 2 was Labor Day and Dorian was getting cabin fever so we went to John James Audubon State Park and hiked 3.2 miles.

Tuesday - September 3 was freaking hot, ran that afternoon before picking Dorian up from school.

Wednesday - September 4, I managed to get up early enough to get in 10 miles.

Thursday - September 5 (my oldest sister's birthday), I had gotten up and took Jetta for a quick 6 miler only to realize that the shorts I had on were driving me crazy and riding up on me. We got in 2 miles and headed home, then after I took Dorian to school I drove up to the Bluegrass Fish & Wildlife area to get in a quick 4 miles. 

Saturday - September 7
I got up early in the morning and ate some oatmeal and ate coffee then took Jetta for an easy 3.1 miler.
Then I finished getting ready for the race and headed over to Evansville downtown where I parked just far enough away from the start (and finish) to get in another easy 1 mile run.

The race started at 7 AM, and surprisingly I kept an average 9:28 min/mile pace which was shocking because I expected to walk some of it which didn't happen.
I finished in 1:28:14 with an average pace of 9:28 min/mile

2019 IMM Training - Week 18

My training was becoming pretty consistent and I was really happy to see that, now if I could start going to the gym at least 2-3 days a week or at least get some weight training in downstairs, that would be great. Let me be quick to state that August saw 131.1 miles for the month.
Week 18 - 41.1 miles
Tuesday - August 27 

Wednesday - August 28, technically I ran 7.1 miles but due to my hitting save instead resume at the end of my driveway, and not wanting to share that measly little .1, I am just showing the 7 miles.

Thursday - August 29, I ran that afternoon just before picking Dorian up from school. I was trying out my new hydration pack and I really like it. 

Friday - August 30

Sunday - September 1

2019 IMM Training - Week 17

   By week 17, things seemed to be looking up and I was feeling really good and motivated. At this point the marathon was 10 weeks out and I was feeling really excited about it. 
  I was able to get in 42 miles that week, running 6 days this time and getting in another 16 mile long run.
Tuesday - August 20

Wednesday - August 21
I ran that evening, spending most of my time looking for Mittens so I walked quite a bit.

Thursday - August 22

Friday - August 23
Saturday - August 24 I went out for another run.

Sunday - August 25, I was able to get up and get out the door for the long run. I was also privileged to a pretty sunrise and some photo opportunities. The 63 degrees felt really good, and was the main reason I dragged myself out of bed.