Monday, December 7, 2015

2016 LBLM - and So it Begins.... Began

  So as of December 1, my training cycle for the Land Between the Lakes Marathon has begun. This isn't going to be an obsessive training cycle, I am not going to get my hopes up and get all excited but I will plan for it to some degree and train nonetheless. Right now nothing in the future is certain and so as much as my OCD hates it, I can't really plan too far ahead. 
  To kick off the first training week - I ran a total of 46.6 miles with a 15 mile long run on the trails last night with the doggies. It wasn't bad, though 54 degrees and a bit humid - tough on the dogs toward the end but they handled it very well. I used a 18 oz bottle with some perpetuem in it, testing how I would handle it for much longer runs - other than still working on the amount for 18 oz it wasn't bad.... I could've used 3-4 more scoops of it. I have the Dream Cicle flavor.
  I have a training plan on RA but I am not going to stress over it, I am going to do my best to get the mileage in and get my long runs in while trying to stay flexible... even if that means doing a lot of runs at night if I have to - even my long runs.
I hope to get at least three 20 mile long runs in, and four or five 18 milers in, but we will see. I am also going to try and focus on making my Saturday run just before the long run half the distance of the long run, building the endurance and stamina by wearing my legs out.
We will see how things go :)

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